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Ming Fang He has written 5 work(s)
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9780805864458 | Routledge, December 1, 2010, cover price $345.00
9780805864441 | Routledge, December 1, 2010, cover price $129.95
9781593119768 | Information Age Pub Inc, November 30, 2008, cover price $85.99
9781593119751 | Information Age Pub Inc, November 30, 2008, cover price $45.99
9781412909907 | Sage Pubns, October 19, 2007, cover price $123.00
Product Description: Narrative and Experience in Multicultural Education explores the untapped potential that narrative and experiential approaches have for understanding multicultural issues in education. The research featured in the book reflects an exciting new way of thinking about human more
9781412905824, titled "Narrative & Experience In Multicultural Education" | Sage Pubns, March 23, 2005, cover price $104.00 | About this edition: Narrative and Experience in Multicultural Education explores the untapped potential that narrative and experiential approaches have for understanding multicultural issues in education.
9781412905831 | Sage Pubns, March 23, 2005, cover price $57.00 | About this edition: Narrative and Experience in Multicultural Education explores the untapped potential that narrative and experiential approaches have for understanding multicultural issues in education.
9781593110772 | Information Age Pub Inc, September 1, 2003, cover price $83.25
9781593110765 | Information Age Pub Inc, September 1, 2003, cover price $45.99
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