does not store any information about individual users, whether you register for an account or use the site as a guest. This site logs requests and uses Google Analytics to analyze traffic patterns, but this information is only analyzed in aggregate. We may provide or sell information about patterns of searches, most popular searches, or even a list of all searches ever conducted. However, this information is anonymous: it will not be associated with any browser or user. We are not currently selling or considering selling such information.
If you are asked to store a cookie—a small token passed between and your browser—and accept the cookie, or if you have your browser set to accept all cookies without prompting, the information stored in the cookie is not associated with any information elsewhere, but used solely by our site to serve a more custom experience.
When you order books, you click a link that causes you to leave and arrive at a bookseller's site. That bookseller may have privacy policies that differ from those of The bookseller tracks all clicks from to their site via an affiliate code that enables to receive a fee for completed sales.
We will not sell information about individual searches on This policy may be updated, but it will only affect data collected after the update. may run advertising on various parts of the site for which we receive financial consideration. All advertising or sponsorship will always be clearly identified and set off. No book information of any kind is affected by these relationships: not the price, order of display, nor other details.
If the service is sold or transferred to another firm, they will fulfill the policies expressed here for any data collected up to the point of transfer. We will also encourage them to continue any policies set for privacy for this site as part of the condition of sale or transfer.
Last updated 9/1/2016.