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Bill Roorbach has written 18 work(s)
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9781608935130 | Reprint edition (Down East Books, September 15, 2015), cover price $15.95
9781410477705 | Large print edition (Thorndike Pr, March 4, 2015), cover price $31.99
9781616204785 | Reprint edition (Algonquin Books, June 30, 2015), cover price $15.95
CD/Spoken Word:
9781622314850 | Unabridged edition (Highbridge Co, October 14, 2014), cover price $32.95
A thoughtful meditation on the richness of country life describes the natural wonders and wildlife around his home in Farmington, Maine, his life as an 'outsider' amid a close-knit rural community, and the world of the colorful characters in the neighborhood. By the author of the Flannery O'Connor Award-winning Big Bend. Reprint. 17,500 first printing.
9781608933938 | Reprint edition (Down East Books, December 7, 2014), cover price $15.95
9780385336550 | Reprint edition (Dial Pr, May 30, 2006), cover price $14.00 | About this edition: A thoughtful meditation on the richness of country life describes the natural wonders and wildlife around his home in Farmington, Maine, his life as an 'outsider' amid a close-knit rural community, and the world of the colorful characters in the neighborhood.
9781616203313 | Algonquin Books, October 14, 2014, cover price $24.95
9780820347233 | Reprint edition (Univ of Georgia Pr, February 15, 2014), cover price $19.95
9781616200763 | 1 edition (Algonquin Books, November 13, 2012), cover price $24.95
9781616203245 | Algonquin Books, August 20, 2013, cover price $14.95
9780256125924, titled "Study Guide for Use With Fundamentals of Financial and Managerial Accounting: Chapters 14-27" | Richard d Irwin, August 1, 1994, cover price $28.40 | also contains Study Guide for Use With Fundamentals of Financial and Managerial Accounting: Chapters 14-27
CD/Spoken Word:
9781611749021 | Unabridged edition (Highbridge Co, November 13, 2012), cover price $36.95
9781582975276, titled "Writing Life Stories: How to Make Memories into Memoirs, Ideas into Essays, and Life into Literature" | 2 revised edition (Writers Digest Books, July 1, 2008), cover price $16.99
9780892727162 | Down East Books, January 30, 2006, cover price $16.95
A thoughtful meditation on the richness of country life describes the natural wonders and wildlife around his home in Farmington, Maine, his life as an 'outsider' amid a close-knit rural community, and the world of the colorful characters in the neighborhood. By the author of the Flannery O'Connor Award-winning Big Bend. 30,000 first printing.
9780385336543 | Dial Pr, July 26, 2005, cover price $24.00 | About this edition: In a meditation on the richness of country life, the author describes the natural wonders around his home in Farmington, Maine, and his life as an outsider amid a close-knit rural community.
9780884482628 | Tilbury House Pub, May 1, 2004, cover price $12.95
9781582432526 | Reprint edition (Counterpoint, November 25, 2002), cover price $16.95 | About this edition: Thirty years after his brother goes missing, Coop Henry finds himself unable to let go of his need to discover what happened, and despite the promise of a new relationship, he fears for his mental stability if he is unable to learn the truth.
9780820322834 | Univ of Georgia Pr, March 1, 2001, cover price $24.95 | About this edition: The winner of the Flannery O'Connor Award for Short Fiction, this intriguing anthology of stories explores the complex twists and turns of human relationships in such works as 'Fog,' 'Thanksgiving,' and the title story, about a grieving widower, feeling the onslaught of age, who finds himself attracted to a young birdwatcher no older than his daughter.
9781582432571 | Reprint edition (Counterpoint, December 1, 2002), cover price $14.95 | About this edition: A Flannery O'Connor Award-winning collection of nine short stories take place in a variety of settings across the United States and feature men who experience passion, challenges to their typically sweet natures, and the folly of bad luck and poor advice.
9780268031626 | Univ of Notre Dame Pr, March 1, 2002, cover price $18.95
Product Description: Into Woods is an exuberant, profound, and often wonderfully funny account of ten years in the life of author Bill Roorbach. A paean to nature, love, family, and place, it begins with his honeymoon on a wine farm in France's Loire Valley and closes with the birth of his daughter and he and his wife's return to their beloved more
9780268031633 | Univ of Notre Dame Pr, February 1, 2002, cover price $22.01 | About this edition: Into Woods is an exuberant, profound, and often wonderfully funny account of ten years in the life of author Bill Roorbach.
9781582431529 | Counterpoint, October 1, 2001, cover price $25.00 | About this edition: The thirty-year-old secret about what happened to his older brother haunts Coop Henry, but when cracks begin to form in the family's tight facade, he will be forced to confront the truth.
9780195135565 | Oxford Univ Pr, January 4, 2001, cover price $76.95
9781884910364 | Story Pr, July 1, 1998, cover price $17.99
9781884910470 | Story Pr, October 1, 2000, cover price $14.99
9780395573235 | Houghton Mifflin, February 1, 1992, cover price $19.95 | About this edition: The author tells how he met, courted, and married his sweetheart, and chronicles the rediscovery of his childhood enchantment with nature
9780814250525 | Ohio State Univ Pr, March 1, 2000, cover price $19.95
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