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Wesley McNair has written 23 work(s)
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9781608932986 | Reprint edition (Down East Books, April 1, 2016), cover price $18.95
9781567925197 | David R Godine Pub, April 30, 2014, cover price $17.95
Product Description: Arguably America’s most recognized poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was the equivalent of a movie star in his day (1807–1882), and his epic poems, such as “Paul Revere’s Ride,†“Evangeline,†and “Song of Hiawatha†helped create the mythic vision of America that still exists more
9781608932610 | Down East Books, May 16, 2014, cover price $12.95 | About this edition: Arguably America’s most recognized poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was the equivalent of a movie star in his day (1807–1882), and his epic poems, such as “Paul Revere’s Ride,†“Evangeline,†and “Song of Hiawatha†helped create the mythic vision of America that still exists today.
9781608932221 | Reprint edition (Down East Books, April 16, 2013), cover price $18.99
9780887485572 | Carnegie Mellon Univ Pr, August 15, 2012, cover price $19.95
9780892728152 | Down East Books, June 16, 2010, cover price $12.95
Product Description: Praised by Maxine Kumin as a master craftsman and Philip Levine as one of the great storytellers of contemporary poetry, Wesley McNair has selected for this volume a wide range of narratives, lyrics, and meditations. His subjects, as always, are ordinary people and the lives they lead; their hopes and sorrows, their struggles and triumphs, all providing insight into New England, America, and the more obscure geography of the human more
9781567923988 | David R Godine Pub, February 28, 2010, cover price $17.95 | About this edition: Praised by Maxine Kumin as a master craftsman and Philip Levine as one of the great storytellers of contemporary poetry, Wesley McNair has selected for this volume a wide range of narratives, lyrics, and meditations.
9780892727810 | Reprint edition (Down East Books, October 1, 2008), cover price $16.95
9780892727605, titled "A Place Called Maine: 24 Writers on the Maine Experience" | Down East Books, July 1, 2008, cover price $25.00
Product Description: In this new collection, Wesley McNair offers his fullest vision of human life, both its hardships and its rich possibilities. Opening with poems about growing up with family conflict in a New England of broken farms and towns, McNair explores the limits of personal wishes and American more
9781567922936 | David R Godine Pub, June 30, 2006, cover price $17.95 | About this edition: In this new collection, Wesley McNair offers his fullest vision of human life, both its hardships and its rich possibilities.
9780892726295 | Down East Books, November 1, 2003, cover price $25.00 | About this edition: Maine's rich literary heritage is represented in the works of thirty-seven Maine poets selected by nationally-recognized poet Wesley McNair.
9780892727087 | Down East Books, January 30, 2006, cover price $17.95
9780892726936 | Down East Books, September 15, 2005, cover price $25.00 | About this edition: An anthology of short fiction exemplifying the best in Maine writing features fourteen tales, several never before published, by Richard Russo, Richard Ford, Stephen King, Bill Roorbach, Cathie Pelletier, Carolyn Chute, and others.
9780884482628 | Tilbury House Pub, May 1, 2004, cover price $12.95
Product Description: In the personal and critical essays of Mapping the Heart, Wesley McNair, one of New England's most important poets, reveals the impact of place on his own poetry and the verse of several other New Englanders, past to present. He also explains the ways poets of his climate have influenced each other, how poets think about their craft, and what poetry more
9780887483806 | Carnegie Mellon Univ Pr, July 1, 2002, cover price $19.95 | About this edition: In the personal and critical essays of Mapping the Heart, Wesley McNair, one of New England's most important poets, reveals the impact of place on his own poetry and the verse of several other New Englanders, past to present.
9781567921601 | 1 edition (David R Godine Pub, April 1, 2002), cover price $16.95
9780887483561 | Carnegie Mellon Univ Pr, January 1, 2001, cover price $16.95
Product Description: In his fifth collection, one of New England's most respected poets brings us the inhabitants of his region as they struggle to contend with life's darknesses: housewives in night school; a tractor-tinkering stepfather who rescues an outdated encyclopedia from the town dump; a boy at bedtime who, entranced by a woman's voice on a slowing turning phonograph, listens "to her fall/ fast asleep/ with the needle/ at her more
9781567920949 | David R Godine Pub, October 1, 1998, cover price $13.95 | About this edition: In his fifth collection, one of New England's most respected poets brings us the inhabitants of his region as they struggle to contend with life's darknesses: housewives in night school; a tractor-tinkering stepfather who rescues an outdated encyclopedia from the town dump; a boy at bedtime who, entranced by a woman's voice on a slowing turning phonograph, listens "to her fall/ fast asleep/ with the needle/ at her throat.
9781567920567 | Reprint edition (David R Godine Pub, May 1, 1997), cover price $15.95
9780913341186 | Coyote Love Pr, October 1, 1995, cover price $12.95
Product Description: The best of Maine's contemporary authors celebrate their state in poetry, fiction, and essays that comprise a lively sampler as varied as the state that inspired it. A treasury of works --many previously unpublished--it includes Philip Booth, Franklin Burroughs, Carolyn Chute, Robert Creeley, Amy Clampitt, George Garrett, Susan Kenney, Cathie Pelletier, and 32 more
9780874516739 | Univ Pr of New England, May 1, 1994, cover price $19.95 | About this edition: The best of Maine's contemporary authors celebrate their state in poetry, fiction, and essays that comprise a lively sampler as varied as the state that inspired it.
Product Description: This book gathers Wesley McNair's two most important collections into one handsome volume. In "The Town of No," McNair blends sadness and comedy to remind us of Robert Frost's notion that poetry should make us "very sorry" or "very more
9780879239855 | David R Godine Pub, November 1, 1993, cover price $19.95 | About this edition: This book gathers Wesley McNair's two most important collections into one handsome volume.
9780913341155 | 2 reprint edition (Wesley McNair, October 1, 1992), cover price $9.95
9780879237592 | David R Godine Pub, August 1, 1989, cover price $15.95 | About this edition: Book by McNair, Wesley
9780879237608 | David R Godine Pub, June 1, 1989, cover price $9.95 | About this edition: Book by McNair, Wesley
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