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The Little Red Book of Sales Answers: 99.5 Real Life Answers That Make Sense, Make Sales, and Make Money
By Jeffrey Gitomer and Jeffrey Gitomer (narrator)
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Jump down to see edition details for: CD/Spoken Word
Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Simon & Schuster
Publication date March 10, 2009
Binding CD/Spoken Word
Edition Mp3/dvd un
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9780743575331
ISBN-10 0743575334
Dimensions 1 by 5.25 by 9.50 in.
Weight 0.46 lbs.
Availability§ Publisher Out of Stock Indefinitely
Original list price $49.99
Other format details audio
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:
Jeffrey Gitomer's bestselling companion to his classic Little Red Book of Selling

Salespeople are looking for answers. The fastest, easiest answers that work every time. The good news is, the answers exist. The bad news is, in order to be able to become a successful salesperson, you have to understand, practice, and master the answers.

You'd think with all the solutions contained in The Little Red Book of Sales Answers that anyone who listens to it would automatically become a better salesperson. You'd be thinking wrong. To become a better salesperson, the first thing you have to do is listen to it. The second thing to do is listen to it again. The third thing to do with this is try one answer everyday. If it doesn't work exactly right the first time, or the outcome wasn't what you expected, try it again and tweak it a little bit. The fourth thing you have to do is practice the answer until you feel that it's working. The fifth thing you have to do is become the master of it.

In his Little Red Book of Sales Answers, Jeffrey Gitomer allows you to blend each answer to your selling situation and do it in a way that fits your style, and your personality.

CD/Spoken Word
Book cover for 9780743572569 Book cover for 9780743575331
The price comparison is for this edition
Mp3/dvd un edition from Simon & Schuster (March 10, 2009)
9780743575331 | details & prices | 5.25 × 9.50 × 1.00 in. | 0.46 lbs | List price $49.99
About: Jeffrey Gitomer's bestselling companion to his classic Little Red Book of Selling Salespeople are looking for answers.
Unabridged edition from Simon & Schuster (March 10, 2009); titled "Little Red Book of Sales Answers: 99.5 Real Life Answers That Make Sense, Make Sales, and Make Money"
9780743572569 | details & prices | 5.00 × 6.00 × 1.00 in. | 0.36 lbs | List price $29.99
About: Jeffrey Gitomer's bestselling companion to his classic Little Red Book of Selling Salespeople are looking for answers.

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