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Monstruos de visita / The Monsters' visit
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May 6, 2006
from Editorial Unaluna (May 6, 2006)
9789871296095 | details & prices | 8.00 × 7.75 × 0.25 in. | 0.35 lbs | List price $17.95
About: Pancho brings the monsters from his bedroom instead of his pajamas when he sleeps over at Tomi's house, because he does not think he can get to sleep without them to frighten him, but Tomi has a different approach when it comes to monsters.
About: Pancho brings the monsters from his bedroom instead of his pajamas when he sleeps over at Tomi's house, because he does not think he can get to sleep without them to frighten him, but Tomi has a different approach when it comes to monsters.