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BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Spirituality / Celtic matches 132 work(s)
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9781620555958 | Inner Traditions, October 24, 2016, cover price $35.00
9788491110910 | Obelisco Pub Inc, September 30, 2016, cover price $11.95
9781785351358 | Moon Books, April 29, 2016, cover price $25.95
9781591431817 | Bear & Co, April 11, 2016, cover price $18.00
Product Description: Priory Beginning reveals the practices of the Fifth and Sixth Elevation. Up until this point such written material has been left for the eyes of a few. It is the intention of the Author that by publishing such works, that it will inspire those whom wish to tread the path a little more
9781530916696 | Createspace Independent Pub, April 5, 2016, cover price $7.50 | About this edition: Priory Beginning reveals the practices of the Fifth and Sixth Elevation.
9781785353208 | Moon Books, March 25, 2016, cover price $9.95
Product Description: The Celts: an amazing conglomeration of tribes with remarkable staying power. Refusing to acknowledge Roman rule, the Celts were formidable fighters under any circumstances. Exceedingly good at hit-and-run warfare, they were adept at scattering to isolated areas in small groups — taking their Gods with more
9781530601141 | Clr csm edition (Createspace Independent Pub, March 15, 2016), cover price $10.00 | About this edition: The Celts: an amazing conglomeration of tribes with remarkable staying power.
9781530554560 | Createspace Independent Pub, March 14, 2016, cover price $8.99
9781530486052 | Createspace Independent Pub, March 10, 2016, cover price $13.99
9781780289441 | Clr csm edition (Watkins Pub Ltd, February 23, 2016), cover price $8.95
9781530215898 | Createspace Independent Pub, February 23, 2016, cover price $12.99
Product Description: Take charge of that busy schedule with this bestselling calendar!Popular planner format displays a week-at-a-view to help keep you organized 7 days at a time.Calendar/planner covers 16 months (September 2016 -- December 2017). Helpful for students, educators, and parents in planning the academic more
9781441319913 | 16m egmt edition (Peter Pauper Pr, February 1, 2016), cover price $12.99 | About this edition: Take charge of that busy schedule with this bestselling calendar!
9781504997508 | Authorhouse, January 22, 2016, cover price $30.51
9781504997485 | Authorhouse, January 22, 2016, cover price $18.24
9781454918950 | Clr csm edition (Lark Books, January 5, 2016), cover price $14.95
Product Description: Get fantastic value for money with this huge Fairy Coloring Book! These expertly illustrated fairy designs will provide hour upon hour of entertainment! This fairy coloring book contains 40 single sided coloring pages. This allows you to remove each page for framing or to use as coloring reference in a portfolio for more
9781523222810 | Clr csm edition (Createspace Independent Pub, January 2, 2016), cover price $8.99 | About this edition: Get fantastic value for money with this huge Fairy Coloring Book!
9781782182375 | Columba Pr, December 8, 2015, cover price $27.00
9780754831679 | Lorenz Books, September 7, 2016, cover price $9.99
9781519229434 | Createspace Independent Pub, November 16, 2015, cover price $7.99
9780738740898 | Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd, November 8, 2015, cover price $17.99
Product Description: The Celtic seasonal wheel is based on eight festivals – Winter Solstice, Imbolc, Spring Equinox, Beltane, Summer Solstice, Lughnasadh, Autumn Equinox and Samhain. Together, these lead us through the cycle of the year, aligning our awareness with the seasonal pattern of the earth beneath our more
9781780288611 | Watkins Pub Ltd, May 17, 2016, cover price $14.95 | About this edition: The Celtic seasonal wheel is based on eight festivals – Winter Solstice, Imbolc, Spring Equinox, Beltane, Summer Solstice, Lughnasadh, Autumn Equinox and Samhain.
9781517653637 | Createspace Independent Pub, October 10, 2015, cover price $21.99
Product Description: Waking up from the illusions, delusions and confusions that keep us asleep. There is a journey we all must make. We will either choose to make it or we will be forced to make it. It is the journey of awakening from our ignorance that makes us suffer to an enlightenment that restores our more
9780993387715 | Gardners Books, October 5, 2015, cover price $8.20 | About this edition: Waking up from the illusions, delusions and confusions that keep us asleep.
9781517502164 | Createspace Independent Pub, September 24, 2015, cover price $5.59
9781517501730 | Createspace Independent Pub, September 24, 2015, cover price $12.59
9781517296698 | Createspace Independent Pub, September 12, 2015, cover price $7.99
9781441124777 | Bloomsbury USA Academic, April 20, 2017, cover price $112.00
9781441138545 | Bloomsbury USA Academic, April 20, 2017, cover price $34.95
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