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Douglas E. Sherwood has written 6 work(s)
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9781620102763 | Oni Pr, October 20, 2015, cover price $39.99
9781620100134 | Oni Pr, July 16, 2013, cover price $14.99
9781934964637 | Oni Pr, December 1, 2011, cover price $5.99
9781934964231 | Oni Pr, October 26, 2010, cover price $19.99
9781934964262 | 1 edition (Oni Pr, November 18, 2009), cover price $11.95
9781932664720 | Oni Pr, August 8, 2007, cover price $11.95 | About this edition: Evil twins Shawn and Sam Stronghand, forced through the daily normalcy of junior high, annoying siblings, and shopping trips to the mall, find out their true destiny as king of the goblins of hell when they buy a new dark metal album.
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