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David M. Pozar has written 3 work(s)
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9780470631553 | 4th edition (John Wiley & Sons Inc, November 22, 2011), cover price $267.00
9780471448785 | 3 sub edition (John Wiley & Sons Inc, February 5, 2004), cover price $234.30
9780471170969 | John Wiley & Sons Inc, August 1, 1997, cover price $143.45
9780201504187 | Addison-Wesley, April 1, 1990, cover price $95.00
9780471322825 | John Wiley & Sons Inc, November 17, 2000, cover price $267.00
9780890061756 | Artech House on Demand, June 1, 1985, cover price $91.00 | About this edition: Antenna Design Using Personal Computers (The Artech House Microwave Library)
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