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Joe Pimentel has written 7 work(s)
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9780785197393 | Marvel Enterprises, May 12, 2015, cover price $19.99
9781569715345 | Gph edition (Dark Horse Comics, April 4, 2001), cover price $12.95
9781435223400 | Reprint edition (Paw Prints, January 11, 2008), cover price $21.95
9781569717387 | Gph edition (Dark Horse Comics, April 24, 2002), cover price $12.95 | About this edition: When the innocent people of Sunnydale begin to transform into giant, demonic insects, it is up to Buffy and her friends to find a way to stop the supernatural force that has the town crawling.
9781435223462 | Reprint edition (Paw Prints, January 11, 2008), cover price $21.95
9780785115090 | Marvel Enterprises, February 28, 2005, cover price $12.99 | About this edition: Two new villains emerge and set their sights on Peter Parker and Spider-Man, threatening to destroy everything that means anything to him.
9781569716021 | Gph edition (Dark Horse Comics, August 1, 2001), cover price $17.95 | About this edition: Collects eight stories in which Buffy, Willow, Xander, Oz and their friends battle an assortment of monsters including vampires, demons, and ghosts.
9781840232363 | Gardners Books, December 15, 2000, cover price $18.20 | About this edition: Buffy better be ready for what could be the fight of her life.
9781569714751 | Gph edition (Dark Horse Comics, November 8, 2000), cover price $9.95 | About this edition: Selke, a powerful vampire whom Buffy nearly destroyed at Halloween, replaces the Slayer with a clone in time for Carnival, in a graphic novel in comic book format accompanied by the story of Buffy's struggle against a demon.
9781569714614 | Dark Horse Comics, July 12, 2000, cover price $9.95 | About this edition: In Buffy's senior year in high school she is confronted with Selke, her old enemy, who is contemplating a scheme to get her vengence on Buffy.
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