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Robert N. Munsch has written 18 work(s)
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Cover for 9781417763771 Cover for 9780606338219 Cover for 9781417630523 Cover for 9780613377515 Cover for 9780613377508 Cover for 9780606287081 Cover for 9780613722148 Cover for 9780613582827 Cover for 9780606253314 Cover for 9780613720779 Cover for 9780613728720 Cover for 9780606164856 Cover for 9780606164832 Cover for 9780606164849 Cover for 9780606169936 Cover for 9780606022989 Cover for 9780606013376
cover image for 9781417763771
Whether by showing his baby pictures to his teacher or smoothing his hair with spit, Andrew's mother constantly embarrasses him while at the mall until he figures out a way to get even.


9781417763771 | Turtleback Books, June 1, 2006, cover price $14.75 | About this edition: Whether by showing his baby pictures to his teacher or smoothing his hair with spit, Andrew's mother constantly embarrasses him while at the mall until he figures out a way to get even.

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9780606338219 | Demco Media, July 1, 2005, cover price $13.59

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Lance goes trick-or-treating with such a scary face that he is able to help himself to all his neighbors' candy.


9781417630523 | Turtleback Books, August 1, 2004, cover price $16.00 | About this edition: Lance goes trick-or-treating with such a scary face that he is able to help himself to all his neighbors' candy.

When Lauretta tries out a 92-speed, silver and gold, dirt-bike wheelchair, she gets a speeding ticket but also helps out her brother.


9781417623938 | Turtleback Books, April 1, 2004, cover price $12.35 | About this edition: When Lauretta tries out a 92-speed, silver and gold, dirt-bike wheelchair, she gets a speeding ticket but also helps out her brother.

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Benjamin causes a commotion in his classroom when he brings his new baby sister in to school for show and tell


9780613377515, titled "Show and Tell" | Turtleback Books, December 1, 2003, cover price $17.15 | About this edition: Benjamin causes a commotion in his classroom when he brings his new baby sister in to school for show and tell

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When troublesome Tyya's frustrated father orders her to 'stand still' after she causes mischief in the supermarket, a store employee mistakes her for a doll and places her on a shelf to be sold


9780613377508 | Turtleback Books, December 1, 2003, cover price $17.15 | About this edition: When troublesome Tyya's frustrated father orders her to 'stand still' after she causes mischief in the supermarket, a store employee mistakes her for a doll and places her on a shelf to be sold

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Samuel, a very hungry boy, joins a pie-eating contest at the park.


9780606287081 | Demco Media, July 1, 2003, cover price $21.55


9780613722148 | Turtleback Books, October 1, 2003, cover price $14.75 | About this edition: Samuel, a very hungry boy, joins a pie-eating contest at the park.

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A little girl takes matters into her own hands after her brother is accidentally born in a zoo and her parents repeatedly bring home the wrong baby


9780613582827 | Turtleback Books, July 1, 2003, cover price $25.75 | About this edition: A little girl takes matters into her own hands after her brother is accidentally born in a zoo and her parents repeatedly bring home the wrong baby

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After Christopher plays a trick on his mom and dad by serving them cookies made of clay, they engage his teacher in a way to get back at him.


9780606253314 | Demco Media, December 1, 2002, cover price $12.47 | About this edition: After Christopher plays a trick on his mom and dad by serving them cookies made of clay, they engage his teacher in a way to get back at him.

cover image for 9780613720779
Andrew's tooth is loose and no one can help him remove it, not even the Tooth Fairy.


9780613720779 | Turtleback Books, March 1, 2002, cover price $17.20 | About this edition: Andrew's tooth is loose and no one can help him remove it, not even the Tooth Fairy.

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A young girl unselfishly gives away the ribbons from her new dress to help various people on their way to a wedding.


9780613728720 | Turtleback Books, March 1, 2002, cover price $12.10 | About this edition: A young girl unselfishly gives away the ribbons from her new dress to help various people on their way to a wedding.

cover image for 9780606164856
When Marisa leaves the pen gate open the pigs rush out and take over


9780606164856 | Demco Media, April 1, 1999, cover price $14.66 | About this edition: When Marisa leaves the pen gate open the pigs rush out and take over

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Moira wants to invite grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4, grade 5, grade 6, and the kindergarten to her birthday party.


9780606164832, titled "El cumpleanos de Moira / Moira's Birthday" | Demco Media, April 1, 1999, cover price $14.70 | About this edition: Moira serenely tackles one hurdle after another while her exasperated parents collapse at each new disaster

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Graciela discovers a miniature boy in her sock drawer, and every time she catches him playing tricks and plays one back he grows two inches


9780606164849 | Demco Media, April 1, 1999, cover price $14.66 | About this edition: Graciela discovers a miniature boy in her sock drawer, and every time she catches him playing tricks and plays one back he grows two inches

When Angela's father takes her to the airport, he does not count on the magnitude of the problems she will create, as the young lady winds up taking off in an untended airplane


9780606164863 | Demco Media, April 1, 1999, cover price $14.70 | About this edition: When Angela's father takes her to the airport, he does not count on the magnitude of the problems she will create, as the young lady winds up taking off in an untended airplane

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After her castle and clothes are destroyed by the dragon, Princess Elizabeth, dressed only in a paper bag, sets out to rescue Prince Ronald, who was taken captive.


9780606169936 | Demco Media, April 1, 1999, cover price $14.66 | About this edition: After her castle and clothes are destroyed by the dragon, Princess Elizabeth, dressed only in a paper bag, sets out to rescue Prince Ronald, who was taken captive.

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As her son grows up from little boy to adult man, a mother secretly rocks him each night as he sleeps.


9780606022989 | Demco Media, March 1, 1992, cover price $13.54 | About this edition: As her son grows up from little boy to adult man, a mother secretly rocks him each night as he sleeps.

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When Jule Ann lets a piece of darkness out of the cookie jar, it sets out to steal the shadows from everything else


9780606013376 | Demco Media, July 1, 1984, cover price $14.66 | About this edition: When Jule Ann lets a piece of darkness out of the cookie jar, it sets out to steal the shadows from everything else

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