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Allen Mandelbaum has written 17 work(s)
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9780804169127, titled "The Divine Comedy: Inferno/ Purgatorio/ Paradiso" | Reprint edition (Vintage Books, May 14, 2013), cover price $16.00 | also contains The Divine Comedy: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, The Divine Comedy: Inferno; Purgatorio; Paradiso
9780553102505, titled "Three Centuries of American Poetry, 1620-1923" | Bantam Dell Pub Group, February 1, 1999, cover price $35.00 | About this edition: A survey of American poetry includes popular song lyrics as well as poems by writers from Anne Bradstreet and William Cullen Bryant to Wallace Stevens and Langston Hughes
9780553375183 | Bantam Dell Pub Group, February 1, 1999, cover price $24.00 | About this edition: A survey of American poetry includes popular song lyrics as well as poems by writers from Anne Bradstreet and William Cullen Bryant to Wallace Stevens and Langston Hughes
9781439503607 | Reprint edition (Paw Prints, November 1, 2008), cover price $33.00
9780613175524 | Turtleback Books, October 1, 1999, cover price $35.50 | About this edition: A survey of American poetry includes popular song lyrics as well as poems by writers from Anne Bradstreet and William Cullen Bryant to Wallace Stevens and Langston Hughes
This new critical volume, the second to appear in the three-volume Lectura Dantis, contains expert, focused commentary on the Purgatorio by thirty-three international scholars, each of whom presents to the nonspecialist reader one of the cantos of the transitional middle cantica of Dante's unique Christian epic. The cast of characters is as colorful as before, although this time most of them are headed for salvation. The canto-by-canto commentary allows each contributor his or her individual voice and results in a deeper, richer awareness of Dante's timeless aspirations and achievements.
9780520250550 | 1 edition (Univ of California Pr, February 6, 2008), cover price $85.00 | About this edition: This new critical volume, the second to appear in the three-volume Lectura Dantis, contains expert, focused commentary on the Purgatorio by thirty-three international scholars, each of whom presents to the nonspecialist reader one of the cantos of the transitional middle cantica of Dante's unique Christian epic.
9780520250567 | 1 edition (Univ of California Pr, February 6, 2008), cover price $36.95
9780517221532 | Gramercy, August 1, 2003, cover price $17.99
9780808509578 | Turtleback Books, October 1, 1999, cover price $17.15 | About this edition: FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY.
9780520212497 | Univ of California Pr, December 1, 1998, cover price $85.00
9780520212701 | Univ of California Pr, December 1, 1998, cover price $38.95
9780820438481 | Peter Lang Pub Inc, April 1, 1998, cover price $42.95
9789990035810, titled "Divine Comedy" | Random House Inc, August 1, 1995, cover price $0.02
9780393967968 | W W Norton & Co Inc, February 28, 2006, cover price $22.01
9780156001267 | Reprint edition (Mariner Books, April 1, 1995), cover price $20.00
9789990055078 | Harcourt, April 1, 1995, cover price $0.02 | also contains Metamorphoses of Ovid
9780553213997 | Reprint edition (Bantam Classic & Loveswept, October 1, 1994), cover price $5.95 | About this edition: A highly regarded translator of Virgil and Dante bends his efforts to Homer's masterful work, offering a new verse translation that is at once precise and vigorous
9780151705290 | Harcourt, October 1, 1993, cover price $40.00 | About this edition: A new translation of the most famous work of a witty, irreverent Roman poet captures the mischievous spirit of this man of letters who wrote candid poems about love and suffered a death in exile
9789990854732 | Reissue edition (Bantam Classic & Loveswept, December 1, 1992), cover price $0.02
9780520070219 | Univ of California Pr, November 1, 1990, cover price $85.00 | About this edition: A highly regarded translator of Virgil and Dante bends his efforts to Homer's masterful work, offering a new verse translation that is at once precise and vigorous
9780935296709 | Sheep Meadow Pr, December 1, 1987, cover price $35.00 | About this edition: Book by Mandelbaum, Allen
9780935296716 | Sheep Meadow Pr, December 1, 1987, cover price $16.95
9780935296648 | Sheep Meadow Pr, December 1, 1986, cover price $39.00
9780879232146 | David R Godine Pub, January 1, 1978, cover price $12.50 | About this edition: Marked by allusion, erudition, and lyricism, Mandelbaum's poems relating the story of the town of Chelm are reflections and explorations of the Jewish tradition
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