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Emilio Laiso has written 7 work(s)
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9781302900342 | Marvel Enterprises, November 22, 2016, cover price $15.99
9780785197812 | Marvel Enterprises, November 17, 2015, cover price $16.99
9780606379335 | Reprint edition (Turtleback Books, November 17, 2015), cover price $29.40
9781632152442 | Image Comics, February 3, 2015, cover price $12.99
9781608864003 | Simon & Schuster, October 14, 2014, cover price $19.99
9780316079181, titled "Handbook of Pediatric Emergencies" | 2nd edition (Little Brown & Co, March 1, 1994), cover price $39.95 | also contains Handbook of Pediatric Emergencies
9781607067412 | Image Comics, June 18, 2013, cover price $34.99
9780300051735, titled "Children's Literature: Annual of the Modern Language Association Division on Children's Literature and the Children's Literature Association" | Yale Univ Pr, May 1, 1992, cover price $50.00 | also contains Children's Literature: Annual of the Modern Language Association Division on Children's Literature and the Children's Literature Association
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