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J. Howard Jackson has written 4 work(s)
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Cover for 9780538658751 Cover for 9780538710077 Cover for 9780538710084
cover image for 9780538658751
Product Description: Excursions International is an integrated, comprehensive workbook simulation. It focuses on the preparation of workers for the electronic office. Word processing, desktop publishing, spreadsheet, and database applications are embodies in a variety of more


9780538658751 | 3 edition (Course Technology Ptr, July 1, 1996), cover price $33.95 | also contains Unrivalled Influence: Women and Empire in Byzantium | About this edition: Excursions International is an integrated, comprehensive workbook simulation.

cover image for 9780538710084
Product Description: This text is designed for the preparation of office support personnel. It provides an in-depth emphasis on technology and human relations. Designed for Flexibility -- the instructor can pick and choose the topics to cover. It is an excellent reference tool for office more


9780538710077 | 11 edition (South-Western Pub, January 1, 1995), cover price $83.95 | About this edition: This text is designed for the preparation of office support personnel.


9780538710084 | South-Western Pub, January 1, 1996, cover price $38.95 | About this edition: This text is designed for the preparation of office support personnel.
9780538710121, titled "Electronic Office Procedures and Administration" | 11 edition (South-Western Pub, June 1, 1995), cover price $69.95 | About this edition: This text is designed for the preparation of office support personnel.

Product Description: This book should be of interest to professional courses in word processing.


9780538235501 | South-Western Pub, June 1, 1986, cover price $15.95 | About this edition: This book should be of interest to professional courses in word processing.

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