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Michael Gray has written 22 work(s)
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9781523450862 | Createspace Independent Pub, January 18, 2016, cover price $8.95
9781490877853 | Author Solutions, April 29, 2015, cover price $30.95
9781490877860 | Author Solutions, April 29, 2015, cover price $13.95
Product Description: Teaching the Holocaust  is an important but often challenging task for those involved in modern Holocaust education. What content should be included and what should be left out? How can film and literature be integrated into the curriculum? What is the best way to respond to students who resist the idea of learning about it? This book, drawing upon the latest research in the field, offers practical help and advice on delivering inclusive and engaging lessons along with guidance on how to navigate through the many controversies and considerations when planning, preparing, and delivering Holocaust more
9781138790995 | Routledge, May 11, 2015, cover price $160.00
9781138791008 | Routledge, May 13, 2015, cover price $39.95 | About this edition: Teaching the Holocaust  is an important but often challenging task for those involved in modern Holocaust education.
9781137388568 | Palgrave Pivot, January 13, 2014, cover price $75.00
Product Description: Through dazzling illustrations, specially created maps, and compelling photographs, The Elvis Atlas locates our greatest musical icon in his world and his times. It gives us a rare glimpse at the landscape in which Elvis lived, recorded, performed, and made movies, and a unique perspective on the frantic touring schedules of his early years, the hysteria of the fans, the network TV specials, the army, the movies, and the comeback tour of his final more
9780785828785 | Chartwell Books, November 24, 2011, cover price $14.99 | About this edition: Through dazzling illustrations, specially created maps, and compelling photographs, The Elvis Atlas locates our greatest musical icon in his world and his times.
9781450086769 | Xlibris Corp, May 14, 2010, cover price $19.99
9781556529757 | Chicago Review Pr, September 1, 2009, cover price $26.95
9781569763353 | Independent Pub Group, September 1, 2009, cover price $21.95
9780826469335 | Hardcover with CD edition (Bloomsbury USA Academic, May 1, 2006), cover price $45.00
9780826429742, titled "Bob Dylan Encyclopedia" | Bloomsbury USA Academic, April 15, 2008, cover price $39.95
When Frank Zappa died in 1993, the world lost one of the most popular and iconoclastic figures in the history of rock music. Here Michael Gray documents Zappa's life and work, including his childhood in Maryland and his move to California; the formation in the 1960s of his cult band, The Mothers of Invention; and his untimely death from cancer.
9780859654029, titled "Mother!: The Frank Zappa Story" | Plexus Pub, December 30, 2009, cover price $19.95
9780859653336, titled "Mother!: The Frank Zappa Story" | 4 sub edition (Plexus Pub, June 1, 2003), cover price $16.95
9780859653022, titled "Mother!: The Frank Zappa Story" | 3rd edition (Plexus Pub, July 1, 2001), cover price $14.95 | About this edition: When Frank Zappa died in 1993, the world lost one of the most popular and iconoclastic figures in the history of rock music.
9780859652179 | Revised edition (Plexus Pub, September 1, 1994), cover price $14.95 | About this edition: Frank Zappa was and remains one of the most popular figures in the history of rock music - but how much his known about this eccentric, multi-talented musician?
9781577172550 | New Line Books, December 30, 2005, cover price $17.95
Product Description: “Oh, I get it, Dad, infinity is like God, it just goes on forever.†Hearing those words, I knew I needed a God that big. Life; Through a Child’s Eyes reveals the spiritual truths when adult situations are viewed through the eyes of a more
9781413749915 | Publishamerica Inc, February 28, 2005, cover price $19.95 | About this edition: “Oh, I get it, Dad, infinity is like God, it just goes on forever.
9780826463821 | 3 reprint edition (Continuum Intl Pub Group, August 1, 2003), cover price $39.95
Product Description: First Photographs is an extraordinary view into the origins of photography. This landmark monograph—the only book on Talbot to be authored by the Fox Talbot museum’s curator—includes many never-before-published images of landscapes, architectural studies, and portraits from Talbot’s personal archive and selections from his detailed research notebooks made during the 1830s and 1840s and currently housed at Lacock Abbey in Chippenham, more
9781576871539 | 1 edition (Power House Books, January 1, 2003), cover price $45.00 | About this edition: First Photographs is an extraordinary view into the origins of photography.
9781901658217 | Ashfield Pr, October 1, 2000, cover price $31.95
9780967866802 | Stillman Pub, April 1, 2000, cover price $39.95
9780304707621 | Continuum Intl Pub Group, November 1, 1999, cover price $125.00 | About this edition: A comprehensive evaluation of Dylan's music traces his evolution from protest singer to born-again Christian.
9780826451507 | Cassell, February 1, 2000, cover price $35.00 | About this edition: A comprehensive evaluation of Dylan's music traces his evolution from protest singer to born-again Christian.
9780304705887, titled "Song & Dance Man III: The Art of Bob Dylan" | Continuum Intl Pub Group, February 1, 1999, cover price $49.95 | About this edition: A comprehensive evaluation of Dylan's music traces his evolution from protest singer to born-again Christian.
A colorful reference celebrating the world of America's King of rock and roll contains more than 150 maps illustrating everything from his tour circuit to the layout of Sun Studios, with photographs and trivia on the music industry, Elvis's musical roots, his Hollywood career, and more. 50,000 first printing.
9780805041590 | Henry Holt & Co, September 1, 1996, cover price $35.00 | About this edition: Offers more than 150 maps illustrating everything from Elvis' tour circuit to the layout of Sun Studios, with photographs and trivia on the music industry, Elvis' musical roots, his Hollywood career, and more
Product Description: You are cordially invited to enter the dangerous world of the DRAGONLANCE saga. The World of Krynn brings you to previously unexplored corners of Krynn with challenges for your characters.Explore Dargaard Keep, the vast and perilous lair of Lord Soth, and perhaps you will discover what really happened to Kitiara! Journey into the volcanic lair of a dragon to defend the city of more
9780880386098 | Wizards of the Coast, December 1, 1988, cover price $8.95 | About this edition: You are cordially invited to enter the dangerous world of the DRAGONLANCE saga.
9780531102015 | Franklin Watts, September 1, 1986, cover price $11.90 | About this edition: Presents and evaluates recent advances in the design and assembly of above and below water ships, including the latest nuclear technology and underwater research
9780394723167 | Random House Inc, October 1, 1983, cover price $1.95 | About this edition: The reader's choices will determine whether Molly and Thistle, a halfing, will find Thistle's brother in a castle inhabited by monsters
9780862990183 | Independent Pub Group, April 1, 1983, cover price $8.25
9780312054205 | St Martins Pr, May 1, 1982, cover price $9.95 | About this edition: A comprehensive evaluation of Dylan's music traces his evolution from protest singer to born-again Christian
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