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Simon Gikandi has written 13 work(s)
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9780691140667 | Princeton Univ Pr, August 1, 2011, cover price $46.95
9780691160979 | Reprint edition (Princeton Univ Pr, April 27, 2014), cover price $29.95
9780521480062 | Cambridge Univ Pr, February 19, 2001, cover price $134.99
9780521119016 | 1 edition (Cambridge Univ Pr, September 3, 2009), cover price $54.99
Product Description: The most comprehensive reference work on African literature to date, this book covers all the key historical and cultural issues in the field. The Encyclopedia contains over 600 entries covering criticism and theory, African literature's development as a field of scholarship, and studies of established and lesser-known writers and their more
9780415549622 | 1 edition (Routledge, August 30, 2009), cover price $65.95 | About this edition: The most comprehensive reference work on African literature to date, this book covers all the key historical and cultural issues in the field.
9780231125208 | Columbia Univ Pr, June 14, 2007, cover price $85.00
9780521594349 | Cambridge Univ Pr, May 31, 2004, cover price $305.00
9780415230193 | Routledge, December 1, 2002, cover price $315.00
9780393977615 | 1 edition (W W Norton & Co Inc, December 1, 2002), cover price $22.05
9780719054372 | Manchester Univ Pr, March 1, 1999, cover price $27.95
9780719048982 | Manchester Univ Pr, October 1, 1998, cover price $74.95
Product Description: Gikandi explores the politics of identity to analyze how the colonial experience inspired narrative forms that changed the nature of the English identity by surveying the British imperial tradition since the nineteenth century. He provides detailed readings of the works of Trollope, Carlyle, and others; through the narratives of imperial women travelers such as Mary Kingsley and Mary Seacole; and through Africanist texts by Joseph Conrad, Graham Greene and postcolonialists such as Salman Rushdie and Joan more
9780231105989 | Columbia Univ Pr, December 1, 1996, cover price $105.00 | About this edition: Gikandi explores the politics of identity to analyze how the colonial experience inspired narrative forms that changed the nature of the English identity by surveying the British imperial tradition since the nineteenth century.
9780231105996 | Columbia Univ Pr, December 1, 1996, cover price $35.00 | About this edition: Gikandi explores the politics of identity to analyze how the colonial experience inspired narrative forms that changed the nature of the English identity by surveying the British imperial tradition since the nineteenth century.
Product Description: In Simon Gikandi's view, Caribbean literature, and postcolonial literature more generally, negotiate an uneasy relationship with the concepts of modernism and modernity--a relationship in which the Caribbean writer, unable to escape a history encoded by Europe, accepts the challenge of rewriting more
9780801425752 | Cornell Univ Pr, March 1, 1992, cover price $55.00 | About this edition: In Simon Gikandi's view, Caribbean literature, and postcolonial literature more generally, negotiate an uneasy relationship with the concepts of modernism and modernity--a relationship in which the Caribbean writer, unable to escape a history encoded by Europe, accepts the challenge of rewriting it.
9780435080570 | Heinemann, June 1, 1991, cover price $18.50 | About this edition: Gikandi places Achebe's writing in a wider context than former books by integrating his critical and theoretical writings.
9780852555279, titled "Reading Chinua Achebe: Language & Ideology in Fiction" | James Currey Ltd, January 1, 1991, cover price $29.95
9780435080181 | Heinemann, November 25, 1987, cover price $33.75 | About this edition: Simon Gikandi provides critical analysis on the African novel.
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