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Robert Willoughby Corrigan has written 9 work(s)
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9780673151070 | Scott Foresman & Co, June 1, 1978, cover price $24.68 | About this edition: Stressing the dynamic interaction between audience and performer, the author discusses the history and nature of the theater, the elements and forms of drama, and the principles of acting, playwrighting, direction, and set design
9780697112897, titled "World of the Theatre" | 2 edition (William C Brown Pub, August 1, 1991), cover price $66.60 | About this edition: The quintessential guidebook to stage theater continues to be the required reading of college drama departments.
9781557830463 | Applause Theatre & Cinema Books, November 1, 1990, cover price $19.99
9780936839851 | Applause Theatre & Cinema Books, August 1, 1987, cover price $19.99 | About this edition: Gathers comedies by Aristophanes, Menander, Plautus, and Terence and discusses the background of each play
9780060413705 | 2 sub edition (Harpercollins College Div, December 1, 1980), cover price $23.10
9780060413712 | 2 sub edition (Harpercollins College Div, December 1, 1980), cover price $14.50
9780673154033 | Scott Foresman & Co, June 1, 1980, cover price $18.00
Product Description: Includes: Lysistrata / Aristophanes Twelfth Night / William Shakespeare Volpone / Ben Jonson Tartuffe / Molière ; translated by James L. Rosenberg The School For Scandal / Richard Brinsley Sheridan The Importance of Being Earnest / Oscar Wilde The Cherry Orchard / Anton Chekhov The Playboy of the Western World / John Millington Synge Misalliance / Bernard Shaw The Madwoman more
9780395043257 | Houghton Mifflin School, June 1, 1971, cover price $33.16 | About this edition: Includes: Lysistrata / Aristophanes Twelfth Night / William Shakespeare Volpone / Ben Jonson Tartuffe / Molière ; translated by James L.
9780135829738 | Prentice Hall Direct, June 1, 1969, cover price $14.95 | About this edition: A collection of essays on the playwright's work by such critics as Herbert Blau and Robert Warshow offers an analysis of Miller's achievements
A collection of classic modern plays and critical essays by representative world dramatists
9780023250903 | Macmillan Pub Co, July 1, 1964, cover price $37.95 | About this edition: A collection of classic modern plays and critical essays by representative world dramatists
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