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Carlos E. Calvo has written 22 work(s)
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Cover for 9781580897334 Cover for 9780544641037 Cover for 9780544503908 Cover for 9780544503892 Cover for 9780544430730 Cover for 9780544435087 Cover for 9780544435131 Cover for 9780544439726 Cover for 9780544353015 Cover for 9780544348707 Cover for 9780544173989 Cover for 9780544220591 Cover for 9780544077737 Cover for 9780547745039 Cover for 9780547865751 Cover for 9780547793689 Cover for 9780547691145 Cover for 9780547691220 Cover for 9780547581378 Cover for 9780547595603 Cover for 9780547550756 Cover for 9780547547466 Cover for 9780547515007 Cover for 9780192621986
cover image for 9780544641037
By Karen Barss (adapted by), Carlos E. Calvo (trans) and Susan Meddaugh (creator)


9780544641037 | Bilingual edition (Houghton Mifflin, April 12, 2016), cover price $12.99

cover image for 9780544503908
In this early reader based on an episode of PBS'sMartha Speaks, TD brings a new chew toy over to Helen's house. Martha barely gives it a second glance as Skits bounds off with it. That is, until she sees how cool it is it's a squeakyflying squirrel!From then on, the two dogs can't stop fighting over who gets to play with the toy. Will Martha and Skits ever reach an agreement about how to share? Now available as a Spanish/English bilingual edition, this early reader includes activities in both languages to reinforce new vocabulary."


9780544503908 | Bilingual edition (Houghton Mifflin, November 3, 2015), cover price $12.99


9780544503892 | Bilingual edition (Houghton Mifflin, November 3, 2015), cover price $3.99 | About this edition: In this early reader based on an episode of PBS'sMartha Speaks, TD brings a new chew toy over to Helen's house.

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9780544430730 | Brdbk blg edition (Houghton Mifflin, June 16, 2015), cover price $4.99

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When Helen and her family bring Martha home from the pound as a puppy, she barks and woofs like any other dog. But when Helen feeds her a bowl of alphabet soup Martha begins to speak! Meet Martha and her family in this book based on the PBS TV show and learn how fun and challenging living with a talking dog can be. Emerging readers will learn to decode simple sentences in two languages (which are clearly set in different colors) in this book that's perfect for four-to-eight-year-old bilingual kids and new language learners. Bonus flash cards help drive home new vocabulary.For more Martha antics, visit and Cuando Martha era un cachorro, una familia la sacó de la perrera y la llevó a vivir con ellos. Martha ladraba como cualquier perro. Pero cuando por accidente Helen le dio un tazón con sopa de letras, ¡Martha empezó a hablar!   Con este libro, los lectores principiantes aprenderán a comprender oraciones simples en dos idiomas. Es una lectura perfecta para niños de cuatro a ocho años de edad, ya sean bilingües o que estén aprendiendo un nuevo idioma, ¡así como para aquellos que miran PBS y son admiradores de Martha Speaks! Además incluye tarjetas español-inglés con vocabulario del cuento. Para saber qué otras cosas divertidas hace Martha, visiten y


9780544435087 | Bilingual edition (Houghton Mifflin, May 5, 2015), cover price $12.99


9780544435131 | Bilingual edition (Houghton Mifflin, May 5, 2015), cover price $3.99 | About this edition: When Helen and her family bring Martha home from the pound as a puppy, she barks and woofs like any other dog.

cover image for 9780544439726
By Leora Bernstein (adapted by) and Carlos E. Calvo (trans)


9780544439726 | Bilingual edition (Houghton Mifflin, April 7, 2015), cover price $3.99

cover image for 9780544439719
Product Description: In this Green Light Reader based on Curious George, the Emmy Award–winning PBS TV show, George is swinging around like only a monkey can. George is taking his first gymnastics class, and boy is he excited! He learns all about the sport and how to practice more
By Leora Bernstein (adapted by), Bill Burnett (contributor), Carlos E. Calvo (trans) and Margaret & H. A. Rey (creator)


9780544439719 | Bilingual edition (Houghton Mifflin, April 7, 2015), cover price $12.99 | About this edition: In this Green Light Reader based on Curious George, the Emmy Award–winning PBS TV show, George is swinging around like only a monkey can.

cover image for 9780544348707
By Carlos E. Calvo (trans) and Julie Tibbott (adapted by)


9780544353015 | Bilingual edition (Houghton Mifflin, May 6, 2014), cover price $12.99


9780544348707 | Bilingual edition (Houghton Mifflin, May 6, 2014), cover price $3.99

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9780544173989 | Brdbk blg edition (Houghton Mifflin, April 15, 2014), cover price $4.99

cover image for 9780544220591
Product Description: Truman's acting really weird—why does he want to run away from home? Martha the talking dog does a little digging and discovers Truman is afraid . . . afraid of a baseball! He can't catch it, and he's worried about letting his friends down at the upcoming more
By Carlos E. Calvo (trans) and Marcy Goldberg Sacks (adapted by)


9780544220591 | Bilingual edition (Houghton Mifflin, April 1, 2014), cover price $3.99 | About this edition: Truman's acting really weird—why does he want to run away from home?

cover image for 9780544077737


9780544077737, titled "Gansi y Gerti / Gossie & Gertie: Bilingual Board Book" | Brdbk blg edition (Houghton Mifflin, October 22, 2013), cover price $4.99

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School and Library:

9780547745039 | Bilingual edition (Houghton Mifflin, September 18, 2012), cover price $10.99

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School and Library:

9780547793689, titled "Eres Curioso Todo El Tiempo! / Curious You On Your Way!: On Your Way!" | Bilingual edition (Houghton Mifflin, April 17, 2012), cover price $9.99

cover image for 9780547691145
By Carlos E. Calvo (trans) and Erica Zappy (adapted by)


9780547691145 | Bilingual edition (Houghton Mifflin, April 3, 2012), cover price $3.99

School and Library:

9780547691220 | Bilingual edition (Houghton Mifflin, April 3, 2012), cover price $12.99

cover image for 9780547581378
By Carlos E. Calvo (trans), Valeria Petrone (illustrator) and Danna Smith


9780547581378 | Brdbk blg edition (Houghton Mifflin, November 15, 2011), cover price $4.99

cover image for 9780547595603
Product Description: Martha and friends must save Skits after he slides onto thin ice during a snow-day hockey game. Skits is terrified of hockey pucks, but why? Helen recounts the unforgettable snowday hockey game at the root of his fear. Back when Skits was just a pup, he was eager to participate in an outdoor hockey more
By Karen Barss (adapted by) and Carlos E. Calvo (trans)


9780547595603, titled "A Winter's Tail / Perritos en invierno: A Winter's Tail / Perritos En Invierno" | Bilingual edition (Houghton Mifflin, October 4, 2011), cover price $3.99 | About this edition: Martha and friends must save Skits after he slides onto thin ice during a snow-day hockey game.

cover image for 9780547550756
By Carlos E. Calvo (trans), H. A. Rey (illustrator), Margret Rey and Martha Weston (illustrator)


9780547550756 | Bilingual edition (Houghton Mifflin, May 2, 2011), cover price $3.99

cover image for 9780192621986
Examines different eating disorders, discussing what causes them, how to recognize them, and the treatments available for overcoming them
By Carlos E. Calvo (trans)


9780192621986, titled "Eating Disorders: The Facts" | 3rd edition (Oxford Univ Pr, March 1, 1995), cover price $15.95 | also contains Eating Disorders: The Facts | About this edition: Examines different eating disorders, discussing what causes them, how to recognize them, and the treatments available for overcoming them

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