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David Lyon Bartlett has written 5 work(s)
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Cover for 9780664225261 Cover for 9780687028252 Cover for 9780664252540 Cover for 9780800615659 Cover for 9780817007386
cover image for 9780664225261
Product Description: In this study of the Gospels and the book of Galatians, David Bartlett explores how to reconcile the biblical text's message to our contemporary context and a particular congregation's character and need. While, as he shows, important continuities exist in the way the good news is understood throughout the New Testament, precisely what it looks like and how Christians respond to it differs between Mark, Paul, John, and the rest of the more


9780664225261 | 1 edition (Westminster John Knox Pr, August 1, 2003), cover price $20.00 | About this edition: In this study of the Gospels and the book of Galatians, David Bartlett explores how to reconcile the biblical text's message to our contemporary context and a particular congregation's character and need.

cover image for 9780664252540


9780664252540 | Westminster John Knox Pr, September 1, 1995, cover price $30.00

cover image for 9780800615659
Product Description: Debates on who can be ordained and the nature of ministry itself have been issues of controversy for decades in Christian churches. Bartlett's book is a provocative addition to the growing literature that explores the biblical images and models that inform current debate, highlighting the views and challenges of the ministry in the 20th more


9780800615659 | Fortress Pr, December 1, 1993, cover price $19.00 | About this edition: Debates on who can be ordained and the nature of ministry itself have been issues of controversy for decades in Christian churches.

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