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In this study of the Gospels and the book of Galatians, David Bartlett explores how to reconcile the biblical text's message to our contemporary context and a particular congregation's character and need. While, as he shows, important continuities exist in the way the good news is understood throughout the New Testament, precisely what it looks like and how Christians respond to it differs between Mark, Paul, John, and the rest of the writers. Consequently, he demonstrates, preachers have options as they try to discern what news a congregation needs to hear on a particular Sunday. Including sample sermons, What's Good about This News? shows how each of these biblical texts remains a redemptive word for today's people.
About: In this study of the Gospels and the book of Galatians, David Bartlett explores how to reconcile the biblical text's message to our contemporary context and a particular congregation's character and need.
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