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Greg S. Baisden has written 3 work(s)
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9781561633579 | Amerotica, May 1, 2003, cover price $9.95 | About this edition: The spicy tales conclude with girls from around the world mixing gender bending and even some zoophilia.
9781561631766 | Gph edition (Nbm Pub Co, May 1, 1997), cover price $10.95
Product Description: Sir George was quite an adventurer in the Victorian days. His memoirs relate landing in a harem full of exotic women from all over the world. In this new adaptation of the Victorian erotic novel, each beauteous resident retells, in full spicy detail, her path leading to the more
9781561631681 | Nbm Pub Co, May 1, 1997, cover price $11.95 | About this edition: Sir George was quite an adventurer in the Victorian days.
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