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Whistle for Willie Doll 16"
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Merrymakers Distribution
Publication date September 1, 2013
Edition Dol toy
Book category Easy Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781579823221
ISBN-10 157982322X
Dimensions 3.25 by 5.50 by 11 in.
Weight 0.15 lbs.
Original list price $16.00
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: Whistling takes practice! In the classic book ‘Whistle for Willie’ by Ezra Jack Keats, Peter spends a long, magical summer day exploring his neighborhood while learning how to whistle for his dog, Willie. When Peter finally manages to whistle, Willie comes running. Our cute and friendly dachshund plush doll, with his soft fur and sewn-on pink collar, is designed for even the youngest child. He's a great companion for Peter, the Snowy Day Doll. Safe for all ages, perfect for ages 1-6. Measures 16 inches long. Surface wash only.

Book cover for 9781579823221
The price comparison is for this edition
Dol toy edition from Merrymakers Distribution (September 1, 2013)
9781579823221 | details & prices | 5.50 × 11.00 × 3.25 in. | 0.15 lbs | List price $16.00
About: Whistling takes practice!

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