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The Odyssey
By S. H. Butcher (trans), Andrew Lang (trans) and Homer
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Createspace Independent Pub
Publication date June 14, 2014
Pages 265
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Fiction
ISBN-13 9781500200145
ISBN-10 150020014X
Dimensions 0.50 by 5.75 by 8.75 in.
Weight 0.85 lbs.
Availability§ Publisher Out of Stock
Original list price $7.99
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews
Book cover for 9781435137738 Book cover for 9781608194865 Book cover for 9781782124252 Book cover for 9781904633372 Book cover for 9781909621459 Book cover for 9781935238560
from Collectors Library (October 4, 2016)
With John Flaxman (other contributor), Alexander Pope (other contributor), George Davidson (other contributor) | Box edition from Arcturus Pub (September 1, 2013)
9781782124252 | details & prices | 384 pages | 7.75 × 9.50 × 1.75 in. | 2.65 lbs | List price $24.95
This edition also contains The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey
from Gardners Books (December 12, 2012)
With Ian Johnston (other contributor) | 3 abridged edition from Richer Resources Pubns (September 30, 2012)
9781935238560 | details & prices | 172 pages | 6.00 × 8.75 × 0.50 in. | 0.90 lbs | List price $18.95
With Chwast Seymour (other contributor) | Reprint edition from Bloomsbury Pub Plc USA (September 4, 2012); titled "Odyssey"
9781608194865 | details & prices | 123 pages | 7.50 × 10.50 × 0.75 in. | 1.14 lbs | List price $20.00
New edition from Collectors Library (March 1, 2011)
9781904633372 | details & prices | 408 pages | 4.00 × 6.25 × 0.75 in. | 0.50 lbs | List price $7.95
This edition also contains The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey
About: Homer's epic tells of the adventures of Odysseus, the mythological King of Ithaca and leader of the Trojan war, recounting the hero's wanderings and his eventual regaining of his kingdom.
Book cover for 9780451474339 Book cover for 9780883014172 Book cover for 9780981816296 Book cover for 9781405884525 Book cover for 9781448018482 Book cover for 9781467960014 Book cover for 9781475071986 Book cover for 9781484950555 Book cover for 9781495420290 Book cover for 9781499512427 Book cover for 9781500200145 Book cover for 9781502591814 Book cover for 9781511984331 Book cover for 9781519174949 Book cover for 9781519238610 Book cover for 9781519324252 Book cover for 9781519332219 Book cover for 9781519416513 Book cover for 9781519428431 Book cover for 9781519705846 Book cover for 9781523409358 Book cover for 9781532870385 Book cover for 9781626864689 Book cover for 9781906230548
from Createspace Independent Pub (April 23, 2016)
9781532870385 | details & prices | 364 pages | 6.00 × 9.00 × 0.82 in. | 1.37 lbs | List price $21.99
This edition also contains The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey
About: This ancient Greek epic poem centers on the hero Odysseus (or Ulysses, as he was known in Roman myths) and his long journey home following the fall of Troy.
from Createspace Independent Pub (January 15, 2016)
9781523409358 | details & prices | 378 pages | 6.00 × 9.00 × 0.95 in. | List price $15.99
This edition also contains The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey
from Createspace Independent Pub (December 7, 2015)
9781519705846 | details & prices | 288 pages | 8.50 × 11.00 × 0.65 in. | List price $12.99
This edition also contains The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey
About: This ancient Greek epic poem centers on the hero Odysseus (or Ulysses, as he was known in Roman myths) and his long journey home following the fall of Troy.
With W. H. D. Rouse (other contributor), Adam Nicolson (other contributor), Deborah Steiner (other contributor) | Reissue edition from Signet Classic (December 1, 2015)
9780451474339 | details & prices | 354 pages | 4.00 × 6.25 × 1.00 in. | 0.40 lbs | List price $5.95
from Createspace Independent Pub (November 23, 2015)
9781519416513 | details & prices | 288 pages | 8.50 × 11.00 × 0.65 in. | List price $13.99
This edition also contains The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey
About: This ancient Greek epic poem centers on the hero Odysseus (or Ulysses, as he was known in Roman myths) and his long journey home following the fall of Troy.
from Createspace Independent Pub (November 23, 2015)
9781519428431 | details & prices | 288 pages | 8.50 × 11.00 × 0.65 in. | List price $14.99
This edition also contains The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey
About: This ancient Greek epic poem centers on the hero Odysseus (or Ulysses, as he was known in Roman myths) and his long journey home following the fall of Troy.
from Createspace Independent Pub (November 16, 2015)
9781519332219 | details & prices | 314 pages | 8.50 × 11.00 × 0.71 in. | List price $16.99
This edition also contains The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey
About: Description Notice: This Book is published by Historical Books Limited (www.
from Createspace Independent Pub (November 16, 2015)
9781519324252 | details & prices | 288 pages | 8.50 × 11.00 × 0.65 in. | List price $14.99
This edition also contains The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey
About: Description Notice: This Book is published by Historical Books Limited (www.
from Createspace Independent Pub (November 12, 2015)
9781519238610 | details & prices | 288 pages | 8.50 × 11.00 × 0.65 in. | List price $14.99
This edition also contains The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey
About: Description Notice: This Book is published by Historical Books Limited (www.
from Createspace Independent Pub (November 8, 2015)
9781519174949 | details & prices | 222 pages | 6.00 × 9.00 × 0.50 in. | List price $11.99
This edition also contains The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey
With Samuel Butler (other contributor) | from Canterbury Classics (October 13, 2015); titled "Odyssey"
9781626864689 | details & prices | 279 pages | 5.00 × 8.00 × 1.00 in. | 0.85 lbs | List price $14.99
This edition also contains The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey
from Createspace Independent Pub (April 30, 2015)
9781511984331 | details & prices | 160 pages | 6.00 × 9.00 × 0.50 in. | 0.55 lbs | List price $7.49
This edition also contains The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey
from Createspace Independent Pub (October 3, 2014)
9781502591814 | details & prices | 258 pages | 6.00 × 9.00 × 0.75 in. | 0.95 lbs | List price $12.55
This edition also contains The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey
The price comparison is for this edition
With Andrew Lang (other contributor), S. H. Butcher (other contributor) | from Createspace Independent Pub (June 14, 2014)
9781500200145 | details & prices | 265 pages | 5.75 × 8.75 × 0.50 in. | 0.85 lbs | List price $7.99
from Createspace Independent Pub (May 9, 2014)
9781499512427 | details & prices | 194 pages | 8.25 × 10.50 × 0.25 in. | 1.15 lbs | List price $7.99
This edition also contains The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey
from Createspace Independent Pub (February 3, 2014)
9781495420290 | details & prices | 184 pages | 6.00 × 9.00 × 0.42 in. | 0.74 lbs | List price $8.99
This edition also contains The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey
With Beatrice Sampatakou (other contributor), Thanos Tsilis (other contributor) | Reprint edition from Casemate Pub & Book Dist Llc (September 15, 2013)
9781906230548 | details & prices | 64 pages | 5.25 × 7.75 × 0.50 in. | 0.32 lbs | List price $6.95
from Createspace Independent Pub (May 12, 2013)
9781484950555 | details & prices | 362 pages | 6.00 × 9.00 × 0.82 in. | List price $11.00
This edition also contains The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey
Reprint edition from Createspace Independent Pub (March 24, 2012)
9781475071986 | details & prices | 220 pages | 8.00 × 10.00 × 0.50 in. | 1.06 lbs | List price $9.95
This edition also contains The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey
Reprint edition from Createspace Independent Pub (November 22, 2011)
9781467960014 | details & prices | 226 pages | 6.00 × 8.75 × 0.50 in. | 0.85 lbs | List price $6.10
Reprint edition from Echo Library (August 1, 2011)
9781448018482 | details & prices | 440 pages | 6.00 × 9.00 × 1.00 in. | 1.25 lbs | List price $16.99
This edition also contains The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey
With Fiona Beddall (other contributor) | Pck pap/co edition from Allyn & Bacon (October 16, 2008)
9781405884525 | details & prices | 92 pages | 6.00 × 8.00 × 0.25 in. | 0.45 lbs | List price $17.32
This edition also contains The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey
With Ian Johnston (other contributor) | 3 abridged edition from Richer Resources Pubns (September 1, 2008)
9780981816296 | details & prices | 172 pages | 5.50 × 8.75 × 0.25 in. | 0.50 lbs | List price $16.95
from Penguin USA (November 1, 1997)
9789990016482 | details & prices | 560 pages | 6.00 × 8.50 × 1.50 in. | 1.50 lbs | List price $0.02
This edition also contains The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey
from Noonday Pr (January 1, 1996); titled "Odyssey"
9789990018134 | details & prices | 528 pages | 5.50 × 8.00 × 1.25 in. | 1.16 lbs | List price $0.02
This edition also contains The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey
from Pendulum Pr (October 1, 1978)
9780883014172 | details & prices | 5.50 × 8.75 × 0.25 in. | 0.05 lbs | List price $1.25
CD/Spoken Word
Book cover for 9781520017600 Book cover for 9781520017648
Unabridged edition from Dreamscape Media Llc (August 19, 2016); titled "Odyssey"
9781520017600 | details & prices | 6.04 × 5.04 × 1.13 in. | List price $39.99
This edition also contains The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey
Mp3 una edition from Dreamscape Media Llc (August 19, 2016); titled "Odyssey"
9781520017648 | details & prices | 6.04 × 5.04 × 1.13 in. | List price $29.99
This edition also contains The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey, The Odyssey

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