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Guided Reading: What's New, and What's Next?
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Bibliographic Detail
Maupin House Pub
Publication date
November 27, 2015
Book category
Adult Non-Fiction
0.75 by 8.50 by 10.75 in.
1.30 lbs.
Original list price
$24.95 says people who bought this book also bought:
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Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: In an era of change in education, the time is right to refocus attention on guided reading practices. Guided reading remains an anchor in classroom literacy programs, but how has it changed with the new shifts in education? In this book, Dr. Michael P. Ford provides a practical resource to guided reading. He explains how it evolved, why it's still important, how to fit it into a comprehensive literacy program, how to select texts, how to assess and support students, and how to position it for intervention. Also included is an Appendix with a listing of recommended guided reading books.
The price comparison is for this edition
from Maupin House Pub (November 27, 2015)
9781496605276 | details & prices | 208 pages | 8.50 × 10.75 × 0.75 in. | 1.30 lbs | List price $24.95
About: In an era of change in education, the time is right to refocus attention on guided reading practices.
About: In an era of change in education, the time is right to refocus attention on guided reading practices.
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