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Frederick Douglass: Leader of the Abolitionist Movement
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Bibliographic Detail
Shell Education
Publication date
July 12, 2011
Book category
Juvenile Non-Fiction
0.20 by 6.80 by 8.80 in.
Original list price
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Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: Frederick Douglass was born a slave and ended up becoming one of the most famous abolitionists of his time. This inspiring biography teaches readers about Douglass' incredible life. Through captivating images and illustrations and engaging sidebars and facts, readers will learn about the Thirteenth Amendment, the Underground Railroad, and the Emancipation Proclamation as well as people that had major impacts on Douglass' freedom and life, such as Abraham Lincoln, WIlliam Lloyd Garrison, and suffragists. A glossary and index are provided to give readers the tools they may need to better understand the content and vocabulary.
About Shell Education
Rachelle Cracchiolo started the company with a friend and fellow teacher. Both were eager to share their ideas and passion for education with other classroom leaders. What began as a hobby, selling lesson plans to local stores, became a part-time job after a full day of teaching, and eventually blossomed into Teacher Created Materials. The story continued in 2004 with the launch of Shell Education and the introduction of professional resources and classroom application books designed to support Teacher Created Materials curriculum resources. Today, Teacher Created Materials and Shell Education are two of the most recognized names in educational publishing around the world.
About Shell Education
Rachelle Cracchiolo started the company with a friend and fellow teacher. Both were eager to share their ideas and passion for education with other classroom leaders. What began as a hobby, selling lesson plans to local stores, became a part-time job after a full day of teaching, and eventually blossomed into Teacher Created Materials. The story continued in 2004 with the launch of Shell Education and the introduction of professional resources and classroom application books designed to support Teacher Created Materials curriculum resources. Today, Teacher Created Materials and Shell Education are two of the most recognized names in educational publishing around the world.
The price comparison is for this edition
from Shell Education (July 12, 2011)
9781433315183 | details & prices | 32 pages | 6.80 × 8.80 × 0.20 in. | Rec. grade levels 3-4 | 0.05 lbs | List price $8.99
About: Frederick Douglass was born a slave and ended up becoming one of the most famous abolitionists of his time.
About: Frederick Douglass was born a slave and ended up becoming one of the most famous abolitionists of his time.
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