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Make a Difference: Responding to God's Call to Love the World
By Melvin L. Cheatham, Franklin Graham ( (other contributor)) and Billy Graham (foreword by)
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Thomas Nelson Inc
Publication date February 18, 2009
Pages 189
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9780849929373
ISBN-10 0849929377
Dimensions 0.50 by 5.75 by 8.50 in.
Weight 0.60 lbs.
Original list price $11.99
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:

Dr. Mel Cheatham, a successful neurosurgeon with a thriving private practice, found himself at the age of fifty feeling empty. He had it all. And yet he knew something was missing-the peace and joy that comes from showing God's love to others. Then one day he heard Franklin Graham speak about the desperate need for doctors in developing countries, and in that message, Mel heard God speaking directly to his heart. He gave up a private neurosurgery practice and devoted himself to full-time medical relief work and evangelism projects in developing and war-torn countries. Mel Cheatham found out what it means to Make a Difference.

In Make a Difference, Mel shares the stories of dozens of people who have risked it all to gain what they cannot lose-people who learned to listen to God and respond to His call to love the world. You'll read about:

  • Karen Daniels, a 31-year-old nurse from British Columbia who heard God calling her to minister through her medical skills in wartorn Sudan, where temperatures often reach 115 degrees and the only "bathrooms" are pit latrines dug in the ground.
  • Marianne Morton, who donated a kidney to a neighbor she barely knew, a Jewish man who was being kept alive only through daily dialysis.

Through these and many other stories, and through the use of Scripture, Melvin will help you listen to God's still, small voice, calling you to make a difference, to show His love to a world in need.

Book cover for 9780849929373
The price comparison is for this edition
from Thomas Nelson Inc (February 18, 2009)
9780849929373 | details & prices | 189 pages | 5.75 × 8.50 × 0.50 in. | 0.60 lbs | List price $11.99
About: Dr.

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