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My Story, My Song: Mother-Daughter Reflections on Life and Faith
Lucimarian Roberts,
Susan L. Taylor (foreword by),
Missy Bucjhanan (contributor) and
Robin Roberts (introduced by)
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Bibliographic Detail
Upper Room
Publication date
April 1, 2012
Book category
Adult Non-Fiction
1 by 6.25 by 9.25 in.
0.85 lbs.
Original list price
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Aging Faithfully | Living With Purpose in a Worn-Out Body | Talking With God in Old Age | From the Heart | Everybody's Got Something | Everybody's Got Something | Joy Boosters | From the Heart
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: Publishers Weekly *
Good Morning America co-anchor Robin Roberts and her mother, Lucimarian Roberts, encapsulate resilience, faith and generations of joy in this slim and inspirational volume. Eighty-seven-year-old Lucimarian reflects concisely on a life buoyed by her deep love of music, as well as her commitment to her faith and civic service. The same musicality that steadied her as a young woman growing up in the segregated South, then marrying her husband of 53 years (who was a Tuskegee Airman), informs her descriptions of life traveling all over the world before making a home that was eventually imperiled by Hurricane Katrina. Excerpts of biblical passages and lyrics from her favorite spirituals add a devotional quality to the main narrative that is both endearing and uplifting. That the health challenges of both Roberts women are not addressed until late in the book underscores the main theme of the book: that victories surmount despair. The stories from journalist Robin about her mother add a sweet and conversational tone to the book.
Good Morning America co-anchor Robin Roberts and her mother, Lucimarian Roberts, encapsulate resilience, faith and generations of joy in this slim and inspirational volume. Eighty-seven-year-old Lucimarian reflects concisely on a life buoyed by her deep love of music, as well as her commitment to her faith and civic service. The same musicality that steadied her as a young woman growing up in the segregated South, then marrying her husband of 53 years (who was a Tuskegee Airman), informs her descriptions of life traveling all over the world before making a home that was eventually imperiled by Hurricane Katrina. Excerpts of biblical passages and lyrics from her favorite spirituals add a devotional quality to the main narrative that is both endearing and uplifting. That the health challenges of both Roberts women are not addressed until late in the book underscores the main theme of the book: that victories surmount despair. The stories from journalist Robin about her mother add a sweet and conversational tone to the book.
The price comparison is for this edition
With Susan L. Taylor (other contributor) |
from Upper Room (April 1, 2012)
9780835811071 | details & prices | 143 pages | 6.25 × 9.25 × 1.00 in. | 0.85 lbs | List price $11.99
About: Publishers Weekly * Good Morning America co-anchor Robin Roberts and her mother, Lucimarian Roberts, encapsulate resilience, faith and generations of joy in this slim and inspirational volume.
About: Publishers Weekly * Good Morning America co-anchor Robin Roberts and her mother, Lucimarian Roberts, encapsulate resilience, faith and generations of joy in this slim and inspirational volume.
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