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Where the Bluebird Sings to the Lemonade Springs: Living and Writing in the West
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Random House Inc
Publication date March 1, 1992
Binding Hardcover
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9780679410744
ISBN-10 0679410740
Dimensions 1 by 6 by 7 in.
Weight 1.15 lbs.
Availability§ Publisher Out of Stock Indefinitely
Original list price $21.00
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews
A collection of anecdotal essays makes up the memoirs of an honored writer, conservationist, and teacher as he describes the culture of the West, as well as the region's landscape, literature, and character. 30,000 first printing. $30,000 ad/promo. Tour.
Book cover for 9780517124086 Book cover for 9780679410744
from Random House Value Pub (June 1, 1995)
9780517124086 | details & prices | 6.50 × 9.75 × 1.00 in. | 1.25 lbs | List price $7.99
About: Nominated for a National Book Critics Circle award, Where the Bluebird Sings to the Lemonade Springs gathers together Wallace Stegner’s most important and memorable writings on the American West: its landscapes, diverse history, and shifting identity; its beauty, fragility, and power.
The price comparison is for this edition
from Random House Inc (March 1, 1992)
9780679410744 | details & prices | 6.00 × 7.00 × 1.00 in. | 1.15 lbs | List price $21.00
About: A collection of anecdotal essays makes up the memoirs of an honored writer, conservationist, and teacher as he describes the culture of the West, as well as the region's landscape, literature, and character
Book cover for 9780140174021 Book cover for 9780375759321
Reprint edition from Modern Library (April 1, 2002)
9780375759321 | details & prices | 234 pages | 5.50 × 8.00 × 0.75 in. | 0.45 lbs | List price $17.00
About: A collection of anecdotal essays makes up the memoirs of an honored writer, conservationist, and teacher as he describes the culture of the West, as well as the region's landscape, literature, and character.
Reprint edition from Penguin USA (April 1, 1993)
9780140174021 | details & prices | 5.00 × 7.75 × 0.75 in. | 0.50 lbs | List price $12.95
About: A collection of anecdotal essays makes up the memoirs of an honored writer, conservationist, and teacher as he describes the culture of the West, as well as the region's landscape, literature, and character

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