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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Alfred a Knopf Inc
Publication date January 1, 2002
Pages 237
Binding Hardcover
Edition 1
Book category Juvenile Fiction
ISBN-13 9780375814907
ISBN-10 0375814906
Dimensions 0.75 by 6 by 8.50 in.
Weight 0.85 lbs.
Availability§ Publisher Out of Stock Indefinitely
Original list price $14.95
Other format details juvenile
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews
Dragged from his bed one night by a fellow slave, eleven-year-old Samuel finds himself on an unexpected, dangerous, and frightening journey north along the Underground Railroad on his way to find freedom in Canada.
Book cover for 9780375814907
The price comparison is for this edition
1 edition from Alfred a Knopf Inc (January 1, 2002)
9780375814907 | details & prices | 237 pages | 6.00 × 8.50 × 0.75 in. | Rec. grade levels 4-6 | 0.85 lbs | List price $14.95
About: Samuel, an eleven-year-old Kentucky slave, and Harrison, the elderly slave who helped raise him, attempt to escape to Canada via the Underground Railroad.
Book cover for 9780440418115
from Yearling Books (December 1, 2003)
9780440418115 | details & prices | 237 pages | 5.25 × 7.50 × 0.75 in. | Rec. grade levels 4-6 | 0.35 lbs | List price $6.99
About: Samuel, an eleven-year-old Kentucky slave, and Harrison, the elderly slave who helped raise him, attempt to escape to Canada via the Underground Railroad.
Book cover for 9780375914904
from Alfred a Knopf Inc (January 1, 2002)
9780375914904 | details & prices | 237 pages | 5.75 × 8.50 × 1.00 in. | Rec. grade levels 4-6 | 0.85 lbs | List price $16.99
About: Samuel, an eleven-year-old Kentucky slave, and Harrison, the elderly slave who helped raise him, attempt to escape to Canada via the Underground Railroad.
Book cover for 9780606298483
from Demco Media (August 30, 2004)
9780606298483 | details & prices | 239 pages | 5.25 × 7.50 × 1.00 in. | Rec. grade levels 4-6 | 0.55 lbs | List price $14.55
About: Samuel, an eleven-year-old Kentucky slave, and Harrison, the elderly slave who helped raise him, attempt to escape to Canada via the Underground Railroad.
Book cover for 9780613857062
Reprint edition from Paw Prints (November 13, 2008)
9781439521823 | details & prices | 239 pages | List price $15.50
About: Eleven-year-old Samuel was born as Master Hackler’s slave, and working the Kentucky farm is the only life he’s ever known—until one dark night in 1859, that is.
from Turtleback Books (December 1, 2003)
9780613857062 | details & prices | 5.50 × 7.75 × 1.00 in. | Rec. grade levels 4-6 | 0.58 lbs | List price $17.20
About: Samuel, an eleven-year-old Kentucky slave, and Harrison, the elderly slave who helped raise him, attempt to escape to Canada via the Underground Railroad.

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