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Each Little Bird That Sings
By Deborah Wiles and Kim Mai Guest (narrator)
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Listening Library
Publication date December 13, 2005
Binding CD/Spoken Word
Edition Unabridged
Book category Juvenile Fiction
ISBN-13 9780307282309
ISBN-10 0307282309
Dimensions 1 by 5.50 by 6.25 in.
Weight 0.38 lbs.
Availability§ Publisher Out of Stock Indefinitely
Original list price $35.00
Other format details audio
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews
Comfort Snowberger is well acquainted with death since her family runs the funeral parlor in their small southern town, but even so the ten-year-old is unprepared for the series of heart-wrenching events that begins on the first day of Easter vacation with the sudden death of her beloved great-uncle Edisto. Book available.
Book cover for 9780152051136
from Houghton Mifflin (March 1, 2005)
9780152051136 | details & prices | 247 pages | 6.00 × 8.50 × 1.25 in. | Rec. grade levels 4-6 | 0.80 lbs | List price $16.00
About: Comfort Snowberger is well acquainted with death since her family runs the funeral parlor in their small southern town, but even so the ten-year-old is unprepared for the series of heart-wrenching events that begins on the first day of Easter vacation with the sudden death of her beloved great-uncle Edisto.
Book cover for 9780152056575
Reprint edition from Houghton Mifflin (August 1, 2006)
9780152056575 | details & prices | 259 pages | 5.00 × 7.25 × 0.75 in. | Rec. grade levels 4-6 | 0.50 lbs | List price $6.99
About: Comfort Snowberger is well acquainted with death since her family runs the funeral parlor in their small southern town, but even so the ten-year-old is unprepared for the series of heart-wrenching events that begins on the first day of Easter vacation with the sudden death of her beloved great-uncle Edisto.
CD/Spoken Word
Book cover for 9780307282309
The price comparison is for this edition
With Kim Mai Guest (other contributor) | Unabridged edition from Listening Library (December 13, 2005)
9780307282309 | details & prices | 5.50 × 6.25 × 1.00 in. | Rec. grade levels 4-6 | 0.38 lbs | List price $35.00
About: Comfort Snowberger is well acquainted with death since her family runs the funeral parlor in their small Southern town, but even so the ten-year-old is unprepared for the series of heart-wrenching events that begins on the first day of Easter vacation with the sudden death of her beloved great-uncle Edisto.
Book cover for 9781417754328
Reprint edition from Paw Prints (May 9, 2008)
9781435272651 | details & prices | 259 pages | 5.00 × 7.75 × 1.00 in. | Rec. grade levels 4-6 | 0.64 lbs | List price $14.95
from Turtleback Books (August 1, 2006)
9781417754328 | details & prices | 5.25 × 7.75 × 0.75 in. | Rec. grade levels 4-6 | 0.75 lbs | List price $15.95
About: Comfort Snowberger is well acquainted with death since her family runs the funeral parlor in their small southern town, but even so the ten-year-old is unprepared for the series of heart-wrenching events that begins on the first day of Easter vacation with the sudden death of her beloved great-uncle Edisto.

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