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Le Petit Prince
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Jump down to see edition details for Le Petit Prince: Paperback | School and Library
Jump down to see edition details for Schaum's Outlines Pathophysiology: Paperback | School and Library
Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Harcourt Childrens Books
Publication date January 1, 1970
Binding School and Library
Book category Juvenile Fiction
ISBN-13 9780152438180
ISBN-10 0152438181
Dimensions 0.50 by 7.25 by 9 in.
Weight 0.85 lbs.
Availability§ Publisher Out of Stock Indefinitely
Original list price $17.00
Other format details juvenile
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews
Delightful French tale relates the adventures of a young prince, from a distant asteroid, whose rocket has been forced down in the African desert description: Product Description:
The original french edition.

This edition contains multiple works--typically stories or entire novels--that are found in different collections. Below find each work in this edition grouped by how you can find each.
Editions for the work Le Petit Prince
Book cover for 9781517453978
from Createspace Independent Pub (September 22, 2015)
9781517453978 | details & prices | 108 pages | 5.06 × 7.81 × 0.25 in. | List price $6.99
About: Conte d'Antoine de Saint-Exupéry illustré par des aquarelles de l'auteur.
School and Library
Book cover for 9780152438180
The price comparison is for this edition
With Antoine De Saint-Exupery | from Harcourt Childrens Books (January 1, 1970)
9780152438180 | details & prices | 7.25 × 9.00 × 0.50 in. | Rec. grade levels 4-6 | 0.85 lbs | List price $17.00
This edition also contains Schaum's Outlines Pathophysiology
About: Delightful French tale relates the adventures of a young prince, from a distant asteroid, whose rocket has been forced down in the African desert
Editions for the work Schaum's Outlines Pathophysiology
Book cover for 9780071623698
from McGraw-Hill (August 20, 2010)
9780071623698 | details & prices | 277 pages | 8.00 × 11.00 × 0.50 in. | 1.00 lbs | List price $25.00
School and Library
Book cover for 9780152438180
The price comparison is for this edition
With Antoine De Saint-Exupery | from Harcourt Childrens Books (January 1, 1970); titled "Le Petit Prince"
9780152438180 | details & prices | 7.25 × 9.00 × 0.50 in. | Rec. grade levels 4-6 | 0.85 lbs | List price $17.00
This edition also contains Le Petit Prince
About: Delightful French tale relates the adventures of a young prince, from a distant asteroid, whose rocket has been forced down in the African desert

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