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My Mom Is a Beekeeper
Descriptions of each edition are found in brief where available. Click details & prices to get more information on a book or to find the best prices for the title.
With Nora Roberts |
from Childrens Pr (September 1, 2001)
9780516232843 | details & prices | Rec. grade levels 1-2 | List price $10.01
This edition also contains Stars of Fortune
About: Simple text and illustrations explain beekeeping.
This edition also contains Stars of Fortune
About: Simple text and illustrations explain beekeeping.
from Childrens Pr (September 1, 2001)
9780516295770 | details & prices | 7.00 × 6.25 × 0.25 in. | Rec. grade levels 1-2 | 0.10 lbs | List price $4.95
About: Simple text and illustrations explain beekeeping.
About: Simple text and illustrations explain beekeeping.
from Childrens Pr (September 1, 2001)
9780516231815 | details & prices | 24 pages | 7.25 × 6.25 × 0.25 in. | Rec. grade levels 1-2 | 0.35 lbs | List price $18.00
About: Simple text and illustrations explain beekeeping.
About: Simple text and illustrations explain beekeeping.
from Turtleback Books (March 1, 2000)
9780613588683 | details & prices | 6.80 × 6.00 × 0.25 in. | Rec. grade levels 1-2 | 0.34 lbs | List price $14.80
About: Simple text and illustrations explain beekeeping.
About: Simple text and illustrations explain beekeeping.