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income tax law legislation united states problems exercises etc matches 5 work(s)
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9780735599550, titled "Federal Income Tax: Examples & Explanations" | 6 edition (Aspen Pub, August 5, 2011), cover price $49.95
9780735549517 | 4th edition (Aspen Law & Business, June 30, 2005), cover price $41.95
9780735524026 | 3 edition (Aspen Law & Business, July 1, 2002), cover price $37.95
9780735500594 | 2 edition (Aspen Law & Business, September 1, 1998), cover price $34.95
9780316080408 | Little Brown & Co Law & Business, January 1, 1996, cover price $30.95
9781566621564 | 3 edition (Foundation Pr, June 1, 1994), cover price $67.00 | About this edition: The casebook provides detailed information on federal income taxation.
9780256084689 | Richard d Irwin, August 1, 1990, cover price $16.95
9780136914785 | Har/dskt edition (Prentice Hall, October 1, 1989), cover price $32.33
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