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homosexuality law legislation united states matches 26 work(s)
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Cover for 9781413316810 Cover for 9781413320206 Cover for 9781413322798 Cover for 9781586178338 Cover for 9781621640868 Cover for 9781594609916 Cover for 9780199735082 Cover for 9780195305319 Cover for 9780814791301 Cover for 9780814791318 Cover for 9781594514364 Cover for 9781594514371 Cover for 9789781413308 Cover for 9780873372695 Cover for 9780873373364 Cover for 9780873374958 Cover for 9780873377904 Cover for 9781413301762 Cover for 9780742549319 Cover for 9780742549326 Cover for 9781572483316 Cover for 9781572485501 Cover for 9781592134007 Cover for 9781592134014 Cover for 9781571688880 Cover for 9781591472070 Cover for 9780814736791 Cover for 9780809325184 Cover for 9780871319531 Cover for 9780674341616 Cover for 9780674008045 Cover for 9781890626112 Cover for 9781890626235 Cover for 9780226288598 Cover for 9780226288604 Cover for 9780815326366 Cover for 9780415905145 Cover for 9780415905152 Cover for 9780415111263 Cover for 9780415111270 Cover for 9780809316342 Cover for 9780674802933 Cover for 9780876324547
cover image for 9781413322798
Protect your rights -- protect your relationship! Now more than ever, it's important that you take the proper legal steps to define and protect your relationship in the eyes of the law. If you don't, you run the risk of being shut out of each other's lives -- and the lives of children you co-parent -- in times of medical, financial or personal crisis. This practical, plain-English guide shows lesbian and gay couples how to: make practical decisions about living together obtain domestic partner benefits make medical decisions for each other when needed take care of each other's finances when one partner is incapacitated leave property to each other have and raise children through adoption, donor insemination, surrogacy or foster parenting This edition is updated with a discussion of the laws of each state offering either marriage or marriage-equivalent status, covers all the new state laws in recent months, and discusses the pros and cons of entering into a marriage or like relationship.


9781413322798, titled "A Legal Guide for Lesbian & Gay Couples" | 18 edition (Nolo, October 31, 2016), cover price $34.99 | also contains A Legal Guide for Lesbian and Gay Couples
9781413320206 | 17 edition (Nolo, June 16, 2014), cover price $34.99 | also contains A Legal Guide for Lesbian and Gay Couples
9781413316810 | 16 edition (Nolo, May 4, 2012), cover price $34.99 | About this edition: Protect your rights -- protect your relationship!

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9781586178338 | Ignatius Pr, April 15, 2014, cover price $22.95


9781621640868 | Reprint edition (Ignatius Pr, September 5, 2015), cover price $16.95

cover image for 9780814791301
Fighting for marriage and family rights; protection from discrimination in employment, education, and housing; criminal law reform; economic justice; and health care reform: the LGBT movement is engaged in some of the most important cultural and political battles of our times. Seeking to reshape many of our basic social institutions, the LBGT movement’s legal, political, and cultural campaigns reflect the complex visions, strategies, and rhetoric of the individuals and groups knocking at the law’s door.The original essays in this volume bring social movement scholarship and legal analysis together, enriching our understanding of social movements, LGBT politics and organizing, legal studies, and public policy. Moreover, they highlight the struggle to make the law relevant and responsive to the LGBT community. Ultimately, Queer Mobilizations examines how the LGBT movement’s engagement with the law shapes the very meanings of sexuality, sex, gender, privacy, discrimination, and family in law and society.Contributors: Ellen Ann Andersen, Steven A. Boutcher, Bayliss Camp, Casey Charles, Ashley Currier, Courtenay W. Daum, Shauna Fisher, David John Frank, Jonathan Goldberg-Hiller, Charles W. Gossett, Marybeth Herald, Nicholas Pedriana, Darren Rosenblum, Susan M. Sterett, and Amy L. Stone.


9780814791301 | New York Univ Pr, September 1, 2009, cover price $89.00


9780814791318 | New York Univ Pr, September 1, 2009, cover price $35.00 | About this edition: Fighting for marriage and family rights; protection from discrimination in employment, education, and housing; criminal law reform; economic justice; and health care reform: the LGBT movement is engaged in some of the most important cultural and political battles of our times.

cover image for 9781594514371
Product Description: "Mandatory reading for anyone who cares about lesbians and gay men." Patricia A. Cain, Inez Mabie Professor of Law, Santa Clara University Everyday Law for Gays and Lesbians and Those Who Care about Them accessibly explains the myriad ways the law applies to and affects lesbian and gay more


9781594514364 | Paradigm Pub, November 30, 2007, cover price $155.00 | About this edition: "Mandatory reading for anyone who cares about lesbians and gay men.


9781594514371 | Paradigm Pub, February 28, 2008, cover price $44.95 | About this edition: "Mandatory reading for anyone who cares about lesbians and gay men.

cover image for 9781413301762
Product Description: Protect your rights -- protect your relationship. Now more than ever, it's important that you take the proper legal steps to define and protect your relationship in the eyes of the law. If you don't, you run the risk of being shut out of each other's lives -- and the lives of children you co-parent -- in times of medical, financial or personal more


9789781413308 | 13th edition (Nolo, March 1, 2005), cover price $20.01


9780873379984, titled "Legal Guide for Lesbian and Gay Couples" | 12 sub edition (Nolo, February 1, 2004), cover price $29.99 | About this edition: A thorough resource documenting the legal rights of gay and lesbian couples in the United States addresses such issues as same-sex marriage, adoption, domestic partnerships, housing, estate planning, medical power of attorney, buying a home, contracts, and legal referals.
9780873377904 | Nolo, March 1, 2002, cover price $29.99
9780873374958 | Nolo, March 1, 2001, cover price $25.95 | About this edition: Covers legal topics, including living together contracts, buying property, wills, estate planning, and chlidren
9780873373364 | Nolo, September 1, 1996, cover price $24.95 | About this edition: Covers legal topics, including living together contracts, buying property, wills, estate planning, and children
9780873372695 | Nolo, September 1, 1994, cover price $24.95 | About this edition: Laws designed to protect married couples don't apply to lesbian and gay couples.
1 other edition(s) in this binding (see all)

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9780742549319 | Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc, March 30, 2007, cover price $87.00


9780742549326 | Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc, March 30, 2007, cover price $33.00

cover image for 9781572485501
Product Description: "This clearly written, comprehensive, accessible guide belongs in the library of all gays and lesbians who are thinking of partnering or who are already partnered.... Learn about domestic arguments, managing joint income and protecting yourself and your significant other more


9781572485501, titled "Gay & Lesbian Rights: A Guide for Glbt Singles, Couples And Families" | 2 edition (Sphinx Pub, May 1, 2006), cover price $21.95 | About this edition: "This clearly written, comprehensive, accessible guide belongs in the library of all gays and lesbians who are thinking of partnering or who are already partnered.
9781572483316 | 1 edition (Sphinx Pub, June 1, 2003), cover price $26.95 | About this edition: Presents a guide to gay and lesbian legal rights, offering information on such topics as medical benefits, social security benefits, domestic partnerships, child custody, and financial transactions.

cover image for 9781592134014
In the courts the best hope for an expansion of rights comes from judges who view liberalism as grounded in an expansion of rights rather than the constraint of government activity. "Courts, Liberalism, and Rights" begins with the premise that the courts offer the best chance for achieving a broad set of rights for gays and lesbians, particularly those courts whose judges draw on the expansive interpretation of liberalism.To make his case, Pierceson guides readers through a nuanced discussion of liberalism, court rulings on sodomy laws and same-sex marriage, and a look at the comparative example of Canada. Pierceson ends the book with a call for a return to understanding gay and lesbian issues as rights claims and an argument for a broader definition of liberalism, one that addresses not only individual freedom but the importance of equality and inclusion as well. His argument will find an audience among those who study liberalism and the judiciary as well as those in lesbian and gay studies.


9781592134007 | Temple Univ Pr, October 15, 2005, cover price $68.50 | About this edition: In the courts the best hope for an expansion of rights comes from judges who view liberalism as grounded in an expansion of rights rather than the constraint of government activity.


9781592134014 | Temple Univ Pr, October 28, 2005, cover price $29.95

cover image for 9781571688880
When Deputy Joseph Richard Quinn and three other veteran Harris County, Texas, sheriff's deputies with guns drawn, burst into an apartment the night of September 17, 1998, searching for a black male with a gun, their shocking discovery in the back bedroom triggered a chain of events resulting in a 2003 U. S. Supreme Court decision in Lawrence v. Texas that state laws criminalizing consensual, adult sodomy are unconstitutional. The landmark Lawrence ruling is the trigger event kicking away roadblocks to gay marriage. Lawrence remains in headlines today, in a larger cultural war, over adoption, employee benefits, the military's Don't Ask Don't Tell policy, and related issues of judicial activism.


9781571688880 | Eakin Pr, August 30, 2005, cover price $29.95 | About this edition: When Deputy Joseph Richard Quinn and three other veteran Harris County, Texas, sheriff's deputies with guns drawn, burst into an apartment the night of September 17, 1998, searching for a black male with a gun, their shocking discovery in the back bedroom triggered a chain of events resulting in a 2003 U.

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9781591472070 | Amer Psychological Assn, April 1, 2005, cover price $24.95

cover image for 9780814736791
Uses a question-and-answer format and nontechnical language to survey rights in regard to freedom of speech and association, housing, employment, the military, family and parenting, and HIV disease.


9780814736791 | 4th edition (New York Univ Pr, October 30, 2004), cover price $25.00 | About this edition: Uses a question-and-answer format and nontechnical language to survey rights in regard to freedom of speech and association, housing, employment, the military, family and parenting, and HIV disease.

cover image for 9780809325184
A timely and up-to-date handbook uses an easy-to-follow question-and-answer format to explain the rights of lesbians and gay men under present law and to offer suggestions as to how these rights can be protected, covering such topics as gays in the military, immigration status, housing, parenthood, employment, and criminal law. Original.


9780809325184 | Southern Illinois Univ Pr, February 1, 2004, cover price $19.95 | About this edition: A timely and up-to-date handbook uses an easy-to-follow question-and-answer format to explain the rights of lesbians and gay men under present law and to offer suggestions as to how these rights can be protected, covering such topics as gays in the military, immigration status, housing, parenthood, employment, and criminal law.

cover image for 9780871319531
A legal guide to navigating life in America covers domestic partnerships, marriage, hate crimes, discrimination, adoption, military service, harassment, and sodomy laws, among many other topics.


9780871319531 | M Evans & Co, June 1, 2003, cover price $24.95 | About this edition: A legal guide to navigating life in America covers domestic partnerships, marriage, hate crimes, discrimination, adoption, military service, harassment, and sodomy laws, among many other topics.

cover image for 9780674008045
This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the legal issues concerning gender and sexual nonconformity in the United States. Part One, which covers the years from the post-Civil War period to the 1980s, is a history of state efforts to discipline and punish the behavior of homosexuals and other people considered to be deviant. During this period such people could get by only at the cost of suppressing their most basic feelings and emotions. Part Two addresses contemporary issues. Although it is no longer illegal to be openly gay in America, homosexuals still suffer from state discrimination in the military and in other realms, and private discrimination and violence against gays is prevalent. William Eskridge presents a rigorously argued case for the "sexualization" of the First Amendment, showing why, for example, same-sex ceremonies and intimacy should be considered "expressive conduct" deserving the protection of the courts. The author draws on legal reasoning, sociological studies, and history to develop an effective response to the arguments made in defense of the military ban. The concluding part of the book locates the author's legal arguments within the larger currents of liberal theory and integrates them into a general stance toward freedom, gender equality, and religious pluralism.


9780674341616 | Harvard Univ Pr, October 1, 1999, cover price $55.00 | About this edition: This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the legal issues concerning gender and sexual nonconformity in the United States.


9780674008045 | Harvard Univ Pr, April 30, 2002, cover price $38.00

cover image for 9781890626235
Product Description: Not content merely to restate the traditional moral position, the contributors address the homosexual movement's most compelling arguments with both sympathy and a relentless commitment to the truth. These essays originated at a 1997 conference of the American Public Philosophy more
By William Kristol (introduced by) and Christopher Wolfe (editor)


9781890626112 | Spence Pub, January 1, 1999, cover price $29.95


9781890626235 | Spence Pub, December 1, 1999, cover price $17.95 | About this edition: Not content merely to restate the traditional moral position, the contributors address the homosexual movement's most compelling arguments with both sympathy and a relentless commitment to the truth.

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9780226288598 | Univ of Chicago Pr, April 1, 1999, cover price $56.00


9780226288604 | Univ of Chicago Pr, April 1, 1999, cover price $23.00

cover image for 9780815326366
Product Description: First Published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
By Arthur S. Leonard (editor)


9780815326366 | Routledge, December 1, 1997, cover price $670.00 | About this edition: First Published in 1998.

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9780415905145 | Routledge, April 1, 1997, cover price $150.00


9780415905152 | Routledge, March 1, 1997, cover price $48.95

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The law is one of the primary means through which sexuality is constructed, monitored and controlled. In this much needed book, Carl Stychin provides a critical examination of the relationship between law and sexual orientation in the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada. The author exposes the connection between the law and sexual control through an exploration of key questions of current interest and controversy. He examines the motivations behind legal restrictions, and the impact on sexual subcultures and dominant society.


9780415111263 | Routledge, October 1, 1995, cover price $165.00 | About this edition: The law is one of the primary means through which sexuality is constructed, monitored and controlled.


9780415111270 | Routledge, October 1, 1995, cover price $69.95

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By Harvard Law Review (editor)


9780674802933 | Harvard Univ Pr, February 1, 1990, cover price $31.00

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Product Description: Sexual Orientation and the Law provides extensive guidance regarding representing LGBT clients and those in nontraditional families or relationships. It includes extensive legal arguments, litigation strategies, current caselaw and legislation, sample agreements, practice pointers, and more
By Roberta Achtenberg (editor)


9780876324547 | Clark Boardman Callaghan, July 1, 1985, cover price $125.00 | About this edition: Sexual Orientation and the Law provides extensive guidance regarding representing LGBT clients and those in nontraditional families or relationships.

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