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christianity other religions islam matches 107 work(s)
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Cover for 9780310531388 Cover for 9781138962804 Cover for 9781137570413 Cover for 9783110427851 Cover for 9781137358844 Cover for 9781137581778 Cover for 9789004297203 Cover for 9781586176969 Cover for 9781621640912 Cover for 9789004306028 Cover for 9780415517164 Cover for 9781138183001 Cover for 9780771023842 Cover for 9780771023866 Cover for 9780813227559 Cover for 9781472588531 Cover for 9780380706044 Cover for 9781138022829 Cover for 9781472448637 Cover for 9781433119392 Cover for 9780538968157 Cover for 9780813049403 Cover for 9780813061788 Cover for 9781617953682 Cover for 9781613757024 Cover for 9781468523218 Cover for 9781468523225 Cover for 9781497587731 Cover for 9781502502773 Cover for 9789004285514 Cover for 9789004250734 Cover for 9780884024019 Cover for 9780300113129 Cover for 9780300208887 Cover for 9789004255012
cover image for 9783110427851
Product Description: Der Fall Konstantinopels (1453) und die Belagerung Wiens (1529) durch das Osmanische Heer lösten im Alten Reich Reaktionen in sämtlichen Bereichen des gesellschaftlichen Lebens aus. Neben der Finanzierung des Krieges regelten die Reichstage des more


9783110427851, titled "Krieg Mit Dem Wort: Türkenpredigten Des 16. Jahrhunderts Im Alten Reich" | Walter De Gruyter Inc, January 15, 2016, cover price $154.00 | About this edition: Der Fall Konstantinopels (1453) und die Belagerung Wiens (1529) durch das Osmanische Heer lösten im Alten Reich Reaktionen in sämtlichen Bereichen des gesellschaftlichen Lebens aus.

cover image for 9781137581778


9781137358844 | Palgrave Macmillan, November 15, 2013, cover price $110.00


9781137581778 | Palgrave Macmillan, January 12, 2016, cover price $31.00

cover image for 9781621640912


9781586176969 | Ignatius Pr, October 1, 2012, cover price $24.95


9781621640912, titled "Christianity, Islam, and Atheism: The Struggle for the Soul of the West" | Reprint edition (Ignatius Pr, December 9, 2015), cover price $17.95

cover image for 9789004306028
Product Description: This volume contains a collection of articles focusing on the philosophical and theological exchanges between Muslim and Christian intellectuals living in Baghdad during the classical period of Islamic history, when this city was a vibrant center of philosophical, scientific, and literary more
By Damien Janos (editor)


9789004306028 | Lam edition (Brill Academic Pub, October 15, 2015), cover price $163.00 | About this edition: This volume contains a collection of articles focusing on the philosophical and theological exchanges between Muslim and Christian intellectuals living in Baghdad during the classical period of Islamic history, when this city was a vibrant center of philosophical, scientific, and literary activity.

cover image for 9781138183001


9780415517164 | Routledge, June 25, 2013, cover price $145.00


9781138183001 | Routledge, September 29, 2015, cover price $51.95

cover image for 9780771023866


9780771023842 | McClelland & Stewart Ltd, October 21, 2014, cover price $27.95


9780771023866 | McClelland & Stewart Ltd, August 2, 2016, cover price $16.95

cover image for 9780813227559
Product Description: Renewing Islam by Service offers a theological account of the contemporary Turkish faith-based service movement started by Fethullah Gülen, and placed against the backdrop of changes in modern Turkish society. The life and works of Gülen are analyzed against the background of developments in Turkish society, and of spiritual Islamic tendencies in the transition from the Ottoman empire to the secular more


9780813227559 | Catholic Univ of Amer Pr, August 14, 2015, cover price $65.00 | About this edition: Renewing Islam by Service offers a theological account of the contemporary Turkish faith-based service movement started by Fethullah Gülen, and placed against the backdrop of changes in modern Turkish society.

cover image for 9781472588531
By Paul Hedges (editor)


9781472588531, titled "Contemporary Muslim-Christian Encounters: Developments, Diversity, and Dialogues" | Bloomsbury USA Academic, July 30, 2015, cover price $112.00


9780380706044, titled "The Feleen Brand" | Reprint edition (Avon Books, June 1, 1989), cover price $2.95 | also contains The Feleen Brand

cover image for 9781138022829
Product Description: Religious Identity and Social Change offers a macro and micro analysis of the dynamics of rapid social and religious change occurring within the Muslim world. Drawing on rich ethnographic and quantitative research in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia, David Radford provides theoretical insight into the nature of religious and social change and ethnic identity transformation exploring significant questions concerning why people convert and what happens when they do more


9781138022829 | Routledge, June 23, 2015, cover price $145.00 | About this edition: Religious Identity and Social Change offers a macro and micro analysis of the dynamics of rapid social and religious change occurring within the Muslim world.

cover image for 9781433119392
Book by Knowlton, Todd


9781433119392 | Peter Lang Pub Inc, April 28, 2015, cover price $92.95


9780538968157, titled "C++ Basics" | South-Western Pub, March 1, 2000, cover price $37.95 | also contains C++ Basics | About this edition: Book by Knowlton, Todd

cover image for 9780813061788
Product Description: “Accessible and readable. Spotlights an important theological theme in a way that both illuminates its internal development in Islamic thought and presents it as a helpful basis for interreligious discussion. The topic is very much in need of teaching and discussion and is a fine example of ‘common more


9780813049403 | Univ Pr of Florida, May 13, 2014, cover price $74.95


9780813061788 | Reprint edition (Univ Pr of Florida, April 15, 2015), cover price $19.95 | About this edition: “Accessible and readable.
9780398041441, titled "Sexual Problems of Adolescents Institutions" | Charles C Thomas Pub Ltd, cover price $19.00 | also contains Sexual Problems of Adolescents Institutions

cover image for 9781617953682


9781617953682 | Worthy Pub, February 17, 2015, cover price $15.99

CD/Spoken Word:

9781613757024 | Unabridged edition (Oasis Audio, February 17, 2015), cover price $19.99

This book is one of the many Islamic publications distributed by Talee throughout the world in different languages with the aim of conveying the message of Islam to the people of the world. Talee ( is a registered Organization that operates and is sustained through collaborative efforts of volunteers in many countries around the world, and it welcomes your involvement and support. Its objectives are numerous, yet its main goal is to spread the truth about the Islamic faith in general and the Shi`a School of Thought in particular due to the latter being misrepresented, misunderstood and its tenets often assaulted by many ignorant folks, Muslims and non-Muslims. Organization’s purpose is to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge through a global medium, the Internet, to locations where such resources are not commonly or easily accessible or are resented, resisted and fought! In addition, Talee aims at encouraging scholarship, research and enquiry through the use of technological facilitates. For a complete list of our published books please refer to our website ( or send us an email to


9781468523218 | Author Solutions, December 19, 2011, cover price $35.99


9781507541111 | Createspace Independent Pub, January 24, 2015, cover price $28.01
9781502502773 | Createspace Independent Pub, September 26, 2014, cover price $15.99 | About this edition: This book is one of the many Islamic publications distributed by Talee throughout the world in different languages with the aim of conveying the message of Islam to the people of the world.
9781497587731 | Createspace Independent Pub, April 17, 2014, cover price $29.99 | About this edition: Ahlulbayt Organization (www.
9781468523225 | Author Solutions, December 19, 2011, cover price $26.95 | About this edition: YASIN T.

cover image for 9789004250734
By John Azumah (contributor), John Chesworth (editor), Stanislaw Grodz (contributor), Andrew Newman (contributor) and David Thomas (editor)


9789004250734 | Brill Academic Pub, December 17, 2014, cover price $323.00

cover image for 9780300208887


9780300113129 | 1 edition (Yale Univ Pr, October 23, 2012), cover price $40.00


9780300208887 | Reprint edition (Yale Univ Pr, November 25, 2014), cover price $32.50

cover image for 9789004255012
Product Description: In The Praised and the Virgin, Rusmir Mahmut ehaji provides an extended theologically and philosophically informed meditation on relations between the Muslim and Christian traditions, through the persons of Muhammad (the Praised) and Mary (the Virgin), as complementary bearers of God s more


9789004255012 | Brill Academic Pub, October 28, 2014, cover price $275.00 | About this edition: In The Praised and the Virgin, Rusmir Mahmut ehaji provides an extended theologically and philosophically informed meditation on relations between the Muslim and Christian traditions, through the persons of Muhammad (the Praised) and Mary (the Virgin), as complementary bearers of God s Word.

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