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Daniel Leader has written 3 work(s)
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9780688092610 | 1 edition (William Morrow Cookbooks, October 1, 1993), cover price $35.00 | About this edition: Offers eighty-eight recipes for organic handmade breads, including traditional wheat breads and inventive variations
A tempting assortment of innovative panini recipes contains seventy different hot pressed sandwiches, including both traditional and original, one-of-a-kind creations, along with flavor enhancers, accompaniments, and homemade breads, featuring everything from Ham, Brie, and Apple French Toast to the Catskill Cubano.
9781561589609 | Taunton Pr, February 26, 2008, cover price $18.95 | About this edition: A tempting assortment of innovative panini recipes contains seventy different hot pressed sandwiches, including both traditional and original, one-of-a-kind creations, along with flavor enhancers, accompaniments, and homemade breads, featuring everything from Ham, Brie, and Apple French Toast to the Catskill Cubano.
9781600852978 | Taunton Pr, March 8, 2011, cover price $22.00
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