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Confident: A Bible Study for Teen Girls, Member Book
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Lifeway Christian Resources
Publication date August 3, 2009
Pages 120
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781415867198
ISBN-10 1415867194
Dimensions 0.50 by 6 by 9 in.
Weight 0.46 lbs.
Original list price $10.99
Other format details religious
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:

Confident is a 6-session Bible study for teen girls designed to teach them where to find the source of true confidence. God created His children―including teen girls―to walk in confidence. Unfortunately, when Eve at that forbidden fruit, the confidence God created in girls was replaced by shame, insecurity, and the need for acceptance. Fortunately, Christ came to restore a girl’s confidence through a relationship with Him. Through an everyday connection and despite an everyday battle, girls can walk in daring confidence, not because of anything the world has to offer, but because of Christ’s indwelling presence.

Sessions Include:

  • Session 1: Original Design
  • Session 2: Broken
  • Session 3: New Again
  • Session 4: Everyday Connection
  • Session 5: Everyday Battle
  • Session 6: Daring Confidence

Features Include:

  • Quizzes, stories, and quotes that appeal to teen girls
  • Variety of learning activities that gear to a wide variety of girls
  • Leader helps in the back of the book

Benefits Include:

  • Girls will learn the source of true confidence.
  • Girls will be challenged to evaluate the faulty sources where they seek approval.
  • Girls will learn the importance of an everyday connection with the Source of their confidence along with the skills to battle an enemy that seeks to steal their confidence.
  • Girls will demonstrate their confidence by looking outward to the needs of others instead of focusing on themselves.

Book cover for 9781415867198
The price comparison is for this edition
from Lifeway Christian Resources (August 3, 2009)
9781415867198 | details & prices | 120 pages | 6.00 × 9.00 × 0.50 in. | 0.46 lbs | List price $10.99
About: Confident is a 6-session Bible study for teen girls designed to teach them where to find the source of true confidence.

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