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Thor by Walt Simonson Vol. 1 (Mighty Thor by Walter Simonson)
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Marvel
Publication date October 24, 2017
Pages 232
Binding Paperback
ISBN-13 9781302908881
ISBN-10 130290888X
Dimensions 0.38 by 6.75 by 10.25 in.
Weight 0.79 lbs.
Original list price $24.99
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: Few people have ever left their mark on one character quite the way Walter Simonson has. His work on The Mighty Thor swept the Norse God of Thunder to heights never before seen and rarely achieved in his wake. Spanning epic tales of heroism and treachery, love and war, Simonson's work is often considered the definitive Thor. From the majesty and mystery of fabled Asgard to the gritty streets of New York City, Thor was never the same. That is the mark of a true visionary. This first volume begins the collection of Simonson's epic run - completely remastered from the original artwork and newly colored by Steve Oliff !


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