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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Mills & Boon
Publication date September 1, 2017
Pages 384
Binding Paperback
ISBN-13 9780263931594
ISBN-10 0263931595
Dimensions 0.94 by 4.21 by 7 in.
Weight 0.75 lbs.
Original list price $0.00
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: The only man she wants is the one who will never forgive her! Falling in love with her boss's handsome millionaire neighbour was easy for Emma Copeland. Despite the vast differences between them, and a past that's left Connor Sinclair reclusive and wary, Emma gambles her heart on a desire that rocks them both. But there's something Connor doesn't know: Emma is responsible for an accident that changed his life forever. Connor lives by rules intended to protect both him and his vast wealth. Emma's sweet innocence is the only thing that's ever broken through his reserve, but now the truth shatters his trust. By the time he realises how much he stands to lose if he loses Emma, it might take a miracle to win her back. But it's a challenge he has to face for the woman and the family he needs more than his next breath... This emotional, compelling story was inspired by a Diana Palmer classic tale.

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