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Indigenous Peoples in International Law
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Bibliographic Detail
Oxford Univ Pr
Publication date
September 23, 2004
Book category
Adult Non-Fiction
1 by 6 by 9 in.
1.25 lbs.
Original list price
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Summaries and Reviews
2 edition from Oxford Univ Pr (September 23, 2004)
9780195173499 | details & prices | 396 pages | 6.25 × 9.25 × 1.00 in. | 1.50 lbs | List price $74.00
About: In this thoroughly revised and updated edition of the first book-length treatment of the subject, S.
About: In this thoroughly revised and updated edition of the first book-length treatment of the subject, S.
from Oxford Univ Pr (May 23, 1996)
9780195086201 | details & prices | 267 pages | 6.50 × 9.50 × 1.00 in. | 1.30 lbs | List price $72.00
About: In Indigenous Peoples in International Law, James Anaya explores the development and contours of international law as it concerns the world's indigenous peoples, culturally distinctive groups that are descended from the original inhabitants of lands now dominated by others.
About: In Indigenous Peoples in International Law, James Anaya explores the development and contours of international law as it concerns the world's indigenous peoples, culturally distinctive groups that are descended from the original inhabitants of lands now dominated by others.
The price comparison is for this edition
2 edition from Oxford Univ Pr (September 23, 2004)
9780195173505 | details & prices | 396 pages | 6.00 × 9.00 × 1.00 in. | 1.25 lbs | List price $33.95
from Oxford Univ Pr (October 12, 2000)
9780195140453 | details & prices | 6.25 × 9.25 × 0.75 in. | 0.90 lbs | List price $30.00
About: In Indigenous Peoples in International Law, James Anaya explores the development and contours of international law as it concerns the world's indigenous peoples, culturally distinctive groups that are descended from the original inhabitants of lands now dominated by others.
About: In Indigenous Peoples in International Law, James Anaya explores the development and contours of international law as it concerns the world's indigenous peoples, culturally distinctive groups that are descended from the original inhabitants of lands now dominated by others.
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