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The Tools & Techniques of Income Tax Planning
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With Michael S. Jackson, Stephan R. Leimberg, Randy Gardner, Martin J. Satinsky |
4th edition from Natl Underwriter Co (September 15, 2014)
9781939829559 | details & prices | 350 pages | 8.50 × 11.00 × 0.75 in. | 2.15 lbs | List price $165.00
About: This single-volume reference takes you through all the income tax topics your clients may encounter, no matter where they originate, providing easy-to-understand, practical guidance for situations that are often confusing.
About: This single-volume reference takes you through all the income tax topics your clients may encounter, no matter where they originate, providing easy-to-understand, practical guidance for situations that are often confusing.