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The Three-body Problem
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Book cover for 9780765377067 Book cover for 9781784971557
With Cixin Liu | from Gardners Books (February 26, 2015)
9781784971557 | details & prices | 400 pages | List price $30.45
With Cixin Liu | from Tor Books (November 11, 2014)
9780765377067 | details & prices | 399 pages | 6.50 × 9.50 × 1.50 in. | 1.28 lbs | List price $25.99
Book cover for 9780318171661 Book cover for 9780533134465 Book cover for 9780765382030 Book cover for 9781784971564
With Cixin Liu | Reprint edition from Tor Books (January 12, 2016)
9780765382030 | details & prices | 415 pages | 6.10 × 9.25 × 1.00 in. | 0.95 lbs | List price $15.99
With Cixin Liu | from Gardners Books (February 26, 2015)
9781784971564 | details & prices | 400 pages | List price $21.70
With Cixin Liu, Ivan Parkins | from Vantage Pr (November 1, 2000); titled "Perspectives for American Society"
9780533134465 | details & prices | List price $12.95
This edition also contains Perspectives for American Society
With Ivan Scheier, Cixin Liu | from Volunteer Readership (June 1, 1978); titled "Winning With Staff: A New Look at Staff Support for Volunteers"
CD/Spoken Word
Book cover for 9781427265838
With Cixin Liu | Unabridged edition from Macmillan Audio (February 10, 2015)
9781427265838 | details & prices | 5.00 × 5.75 × 1.25 in. | 0.70 lbs | List price $52.99