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The Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies, Library Edition
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August 18, 2011
Book cover for 9781455828487 Book cover for 9781455828500
Unabridged edition from Brilliance Audio Lib Edn (August 18, 2011)
9781455828487 | details & prices | 7.00 × 7.00 × 1.75 in. | 1.02 lbs | List price $79.97
About: A stunning synthesis of hidden science and lost prophecies, The Source Field Investigations exposes many great secrets: DNA transformation, consciousness science, wormholes, stargate travel, sacred geometry, ancient conspiracies, multidimensional time, the Maya calendar, and a stunning new model of galactic energy fields triggering mental, biological, and spiritual evolution.
Mp3 una edition from Brilliance Audio Lib Edn (August 18, 2011); titled "The Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies: Library Edition"
9781455828500 | details & prices | 5.50 × 7.50 × 0.50 in. | 0.20 lbs | List price $39.97
About: A stunning synthesis of hidden science and lost prophecies, The Source Field Investigations exposes many great secrets: DNA transformation, consciousness science, wormholes, stargate travel, sacred geometry, ancient conspiracies, multidimensional time, the Maya calendar, and a stunning new model of galactic energy fields triggering mental, biological, and spiritual evolution.