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School Days Around the World
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Book cover for 9781771380478
With Margriet Ruurs | from Kids Can Pr (April 1, 2015)
9781771380478 | details & prices | 40 pages | 9.50 × 12.50 × 0.25 in. | Rec. grade levels 1-2 | 1.14 lbs | List price $18.95
With N. MacDonald, Margriet Ruurs | from Springer Verlag (June 1, 1979); titled "Time Lags in Biological Models"
9780387090924 | details & prices | List price $28.00
This edition also contains Time Lags in Biological Models
About: In many biological models it is necessary to allow the rates of change of the variables to depend on the past history, rather than only the current values, of the variables.