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Princess of Cleves
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With Madame de La Fayette | Large print edition from Read How You Want.Com (December 1, 2006); titled "The Princess of Cleves"
Book cover for 9780837197296 Book cover for 9781514340271 Book cover for 9781604242256
With Madame de La Fayette | from Createspace Independent Pub (August 7, 2015); titled "The Princess of Cleves"
With Madame de La Fayette | from Createspace Independent Pub (June 13, 2015); titled "The Princess of Cleves"
With Madame de La Fayette | from Book Jungle (September 30, 2007); titled "The Princess of Cleves"
from Greenwood Pub Group (June 1, 1977)
9780837197296 | details & prices | 210 pages | List price $39.95
About: Grandeur and gallantry never appeared with more lustre in France, than in the last years of Henry the Second's reign.