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Das Natrliche Masssystem: Kritische Untersuchung Der Grundlagen Zur Aufstellung Eines Universellen Massystems Fr Physik Und Technik
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Book cover for 9780314045522
With Max L. Bromley, Leonard Territo, James B. Halsted | 4th edition from West Group (January 1, 1995); titled "Crime and Justice in America: A Human Perspective"
9780314045522 | details & prices | 9.00 × 10.50 × 1.50 in. | 3.75 lbs | List price $57.95
This edition also contains Crime and Justice in America: A Human Perspective
About: The fifth edition of Crime & Justice in America is thoroughly revised and updated to provide the reader with the most current information available on the major topics of interest in criminal justice.
Book cover for 9783709135716
from Springer Verlag (October 3, 2013); titled "Das Natürliche Masssystem: Kritische Untersuchung Der Grundlagen Zur Aufstellung Eines Universellen Massystems Für Physik Und Technik"
9783709135716 | details & prices | List price $59.99