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Education Reform in New York City: Ambitious Change in the Nation's Most Complex School System
Descriptions of each edition are found in brief where available. Click details & prices to get more information on a book or to find the best prices for the title.
With Catherine S. Bitter (other contributor), Jennifer A. O\'Day (other contributor) |
from Harvard Education Pr (April 30, 2011)
9781934742846 | details & prices | 364 pages | 6.25 × 9.25 × 0.75 in. | 1.35 lbs | List price $49.95
With Jennifer A. O\'Day (other contributor), Catherine S. Bitter (other contributor) |
from Harvard Education Pr (April 30, 2011)
9781934742839 | details & prices | 364 pages | 6.00 × 8.75 × 0.75 in. | 1.10 lbs | List price $29.95