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Construction: Principles, Materials, and Methods
by multiple authors
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Book cover for 9780442006051 Book cover for 9780471356400
With Walter H. Lewis (other contributor), Harold Bennett Olin, John L. Schmidt (other contributor), H. Leslie Simmons | from John Wiley & Sons Inc (December 1, 2000)
9780471356400 | details & prices | 1186 pages | 8.50 × 11.00 × 2.00 in. | 6.05 lbs | List price $110.00
With Walter H. Lewis, John L. Schmidt, Harold B. Olin, Patsy Rodenburg, H. Leslie Simmons | 6th edition from Van Nostrand Reinhold (January 1, 1995)
9780442006051 | details & prices | 9.00 × 11.25 × 1.75 in. | 5.65 lbs | List price $66.95
This edition also contains The Right to Speak: Working With the Voice