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Tables of Contents for Physique Quantique Mesoscopique = Mesoscopic Quantum Physics
Chapter/Section Title
Page #
Page Count
I 1951 Mecanique quantique. Theorie quantique des champs
II 1952 Quantum mechanics. Mecanique statistique. Physique nucleaire
III 1953 Quantum mechanics. Etat solide. Mecanique statistique. Elementary particles
IV 1954 Mecanique quantique. Theorie des collisions: two-nucleon interaction. Electro-dynamique quantique
V 1955 Quantum mechanics. Non-equilibrium phenomena. Reactions nucleaires. Interaction of a nucleus with atomic and molecular fields
VI 1956 Quantum perturbation theory. Low temperature physics. Quantum theory of solids; dislocations and plastic properties. Magnetism; ferromagnetism
VII 1957 Theorie de la diffusion; recent developments in field theory. Interaction nucleaire; interactions fortes. Electrons de haute energie. Experiments in high energy nuclear physics
VIII 1958 Le probleme a N corps (Dunod, Wiley, Methuen)
IX 1959 La theorie des gaz neutres et ionises (Hermann, Wiley)*
X 1960 Relations de dispersion et particules elementaires (Hermann, Wiley)*
XI 1961 La physique des basses temperatures. Low-tempertaure physics (Gordon and Breach, Presses Universitaires)*
XII 1962 Geophysique exterieure. Geophysics: the earth's environment (Gordon and Breach)*
XIII 1963 Relativite, groupes et topologie. Relativity, groups and topology (Gordon and Breach)*
XIV 1964 Optique et electronique quantiques. Quantum optics and electronics (Gordon and Breach)*
XV 1965 Physique des hautes energies. High energy physics (Gordon and Breach)*
XVI 1966 Hautes energies en astrophysique. High energy astrophysics (Gordon and Breach)*
XVII 1967 Probleme a N corps. Many-body physics (Gordon and Breach)*
XVIII 1968 Physique nucleaire. Nuclear physics (Gordon and Breach)*
XIX 1969 Aspects physiques de quelques problemes biologiques. Physical problems in biology (Gordon and Breach)*
XX 1970 Mecanique statistique et theorie quantique des champs. Statistical mechanics and quantum field theory (Gordon and Breach)*
XXI 1971 Physique des particules. Particle physics (Gordon and Breach)*
XXII 1972 Physique des plasmas. Plasma physics (Gordon and Breach)*
XXIII 1972 Les astres occlus. Black holes (Gordon and Breach)*
XXIV 1973 Dynamique des fluides. Fluid dynamics (Gordon and Breach)*
XXV 1973 Fluides moleculaires. Molecular fluids (Gordon and Breach)*
XXVI 1974 Physique atomique et moleculaire et matiere interstellaire. Atomic and molecular physics and the interstellar matter (North-Holland)*
June Inst. 1975 Structural analysis of collision amplitudes (North-Holland)
XXVII 1975 Aux frontieres de la spectroscopie laser. Frontiers in laser spectroscopy (North-Holland)*
XXVIII 1975 Methodes en theorie des champs. Methods in field theory (North-Holland)*
XXIX 1976 Interactions electromagnetiques et faibles a haute energie. Weak and electromagnetic interactions at high energy (North-Holland)*
XXX 1977 Ions lourds et mesons en physique nucleaire. Nuclear physics with mesons and heavy ions (North-Holland)*
XXXI 1978 La matiere mal condensee. Ill-condensed matter (North-Holland)*
XXXII 1979 Cosmologie physique. Physical cosmology (North-Holland)*
XXXIII 1979 Membranes et communication intercellulaire. Membranes and intercellular communication (North-Holland)*
XXXIV 1980 Interaction laser-plasma. Laser-plasma interaction (North-Holland)*
XXXV 1980 Physique des defauts. Physics of defects (North-Holland)*
XXXVI 1981 Comportement chaotique des systemes deterministes. Chaotic behaviour of deterministic systems (North-Holland)*
XXXVII 1981 Theories de jauge en physique des hautes energies. Gauge theories in high energy physics (North-Holland)*
XXXVIII 1982 Tendances actuelles en physique atomique. New trends in atomic physics (North-Holland)*
XXXIX 1982 Developpements recents en theorie des champs et mecanique statistique. Recent advances in field theory and statistical mechanics (North-Holland)*
XL 1983 Relativite, groupes et topologie II. Relativity, groups and topology II (North-Holland)*
XLI 1983 Naissance et enfance des etoiles. Birth and infancy of stars (North-Holland)*
XLII 1984 Aspects cellulaires et moleculaires de la biologie du developpement. Cellular and molecular aspects of developmental biology (North-Holland)*
XLIII 1984 Phenomenes critiques, systemes aleatoires, theories de jauge. Critical phenomena, random systems, gauge theories (North-Holland)*
XLIV 1985 Architecture des interactions fondamentales a courte distance. Architecture of fundamental interactions at short distances (North-Holland)*
XLV 1985 Traitement du signal. Signal processing (North-Holland)*
XLVI 1986 Le hasard et la matiere. Chance and matter (North-Holland)*
XLVII 1987 Dynamique des fluides astrophysiques. Astrophysical fluid dynamics (North-Holland)*
XLVIII 1988 Liquides en interfaces. Liquids at interfaces (North-Holland)*
XLIX 1988 Champs, cordes et phenomenes critiques. Fields, strings and critical phenomena (North-Holland)*
L 1988 Tomographie oceanographique et geophysique. Oceanographic and geophysical tomography (North-Holland)*
LI 1989 Liquides, cristallisation et transition vitreuse. Liquids, freezing and glass transition (North-Holland)*
LII 1989 Chaos et physique quantique. Chaos and quantum physics (North-Holland)*
LIII 1990 Systemes fondamentaux en optique quantique. Fundamental systems in quantum optics (North-Holland)*
LVI 1990 Supernovae (North-Holland)*
LVI 1991 Fermions en forte interaction et supraconductivite a haute temperature. Strongly interacting fermions and high tc superconductors (North-Holland)*
LVII 1992 Gravitation et quantifications. Gravitation and quantizations (North-Holland)*
LVIII 1992 Les progres du traitement des images. Progress in picture processing (North-Holland)* In preparation
LVIX 1993 Mecanique des fluides numerique. Computational fluid dynamics (North-Holland)* In preparation
LX 1993 Cosmology and large scale structure (North-Holland)* In preparation