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Tables of Contents for Queer Italia
Chapter/Section Title
Page #
Page Count
“The Dead Sea of Sodomy”: Giordano da Pisa on Men Who Have Sex with Men--Bernard Schlager
Men on Bottom: Homoeroticism in Cecco Angiolieri--Fabian Alfie
“To an Athlete Dying Young”: Nanni Pegolotti’s Lament for Andrea Ferrantini--Steven Botterill
Bibbiena’s Closet: The Elusive Sexual Politics of the Papal Court of Leo X--Michael Wyatt
“Is Benvenuto Cellini Queer?”--Margaret A. Gallucci
“Knots of Desire”: Female Homoeroticism in Orlando furioso XXV --Mary-Michelle DeCoste
Tra(ns)vestying Gender and Genre in Flaminio Scala’s Il (Finto) Marito --Rosalind Kerr
“La natura e madre dolcissima”: Homosexuality and Italian Libertinism in the 16th and 17th Centuries--Giovanni Dall’Orto
The Gendering of Leopardi and the Feminine Sublime--Margaret Brose
Beauty and the Beast: Lesbian Representation at the Turn of the Century--Daniela Danna
Cavani’s Closet: Desire and Disavowal in the “German Trilogy”--Aine O’Healy
Adapting to Heterocentricity: The Film Versions of Umberto Saba’s Ernesto and Giorgio Bassani’s The Gold-Rimmed Spectacles --William Van Watson
The Other Literature: Homoeroticism and Narrative Codes in Italian Fiction--Sergio Parussa
The Space of Transgression: The Boundaries of Masculinity in the Post-War Novel--Derek Duncan
Queer Politics, Queer Fiction: De-Gendering the Subject in Mieli and Pescatori--Marco Pustianaz
Il bacio della Medusa : Towards the Definition of a Feminist Discursive Space--Rebecca Anne Wright